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Me and Powder was walking around piltover looking at different shops "it's been a while since we did this hasn't it" I saw the huge smile on my beloveds face "that is has it been a while but this time we're looking for stuff for the wedding not for bombs or weapons" I noticed that there was a flower shop close by "I found one of our destinations let's go" I let her over to the flower shop and went inside when we got inside we were greeted by a young lady

"good evening what can I help you two with today" I went over to the counter as powder went to look around the shop "good evening Miss we wanted to stop by to look at the flowers there quite beautiful" I saw the sparkle in her eyes once I said those words "thank you I know this shop is very small and everything and not as big like the other ones but I try my best to make sure the flowers look lovely"

I noticed that there was a real flower in her hair you didn't see it often but I know the type of it "is the flower in your hair is it a Turquoise Rose" she looks surprised that I noticed "it is yes not many people know with it is they can only grow in special conditions" She took it out of her hair and handed it to me to look at it "yes quiet I remember reading about these quite beautiful especially since the most pink purple and blue their quiet amazing you can only find them in snowy biomes or if  it's very cold I think you're the only shop that sells these" I twirled it in my fingers and once the light hit it you could've swore that it was made out of glass for a second because of the reflection "yes I am I have to grow them myself I have a bunch in the back I have to keep the temperature very low though so I almost got frostbite once because of it" I looked back at her and handed her the flower back

"I have a question for you do you think that flower would look good at a wedding" she put the flower back in her hand and she gave me a simple nod "that it will it's very rare though since no one can really get the hands on it but yes it would look amazing at a wedding especially with the color scheme it will go perfectly with a purple and blue color scheme or Purple and pink color scheme majority blue or majority pink and then have purple around it it would look perfect" I sent a smile as I saw Powder

I motion her over to the desk "did you find anything you liked" she shook her head no "don't get me wrong they're all beautiful just nothing really caught my eye" I went behind powder and turned ahead a little to look at the flower in the girls hair "what about that one" I saw her eyes started to sparkle "that one is so pretty" I started to laugh "that it is do you think that one would work" I backed away little as Powder turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck "yes that one would be perfect we didn't even get do disgust the color theme but if we're going with that one then Blue and purple" I simply not my head "then it's settled"

I went back over to the desk and pulled out a bag of coins "how much would it be for a bouquet of those flowers" she started to think " The very rare and like I said I grow them myself but if it's for a bouquet and not the whole venue then I would say around 17400" I gave her nod as I gave her the coins "that's well it and please keep the change I know it's 18000 please think of it as tax for you holding onto them for us until the day comes we still need to pick a day and everything" she seems surprised I watched her count the coins

Then seen the excitement in her eyes "thank you so much for this can I know who's getting married" I wrapped an arm around Powder pulling her closer "that would be us we got engaged about a month ago I want to say I can't recall we got engaged on progress day that should be simpler and now we just starting to plan the wedding" she handed me a piece of paper where I booked the flowers and she knows to get them ready "that's wonderful to hear I'm happy for you two"

after we finish our business there we left to go grab something to drink we found a nice café by the flower shop

"so what's next to do" we got ourselves a table and order something to drink "I would have to say cake testing to see which one we like the best for the wedding and the design" the waiter brought our drinks and let us be "yeah that would be amazing but we still need a theme for the wedding we have the color but what theme do you think we should go for" I took a sip of my drink and thought about it for a moment "well we know the color is blue and purple"

we started to think for a couple of minutes until Powder came up with an idea "what about the place we met Caitlyn at I think the white snow will go with the color scheme very well we can have it in an open area around the venue that we had the party when we were little kids then we can have a place set up for the after party and stuff like that" I thought about it for a moment then smiled "that would work wonders especially since we can find that flower there it only grows in snowy biomes or very low temperatures so it would look perfect"

we finished our drinks and paid up then we went to go test out cakes


This is the flower I'm talking about

This is the flower I'm talking about

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