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I woke up in a cold sweat breathing heavily "oh think goodness you're awake" powder wrapped her arms around me pulling me in for a tight hug "hey love what happened" I calmed my breathing down as my fiancé just looked at me "I just came in the room and I saw that you were sleeping so I went to go take a shower and get changed once I was done then I came over to see you were crying and mumbling stuff" I rest my head on her shoulder "i'm sorry for scaring you love it was nothing" I wipe the tears away from my eyes as I kissed her neck a little "babe" I hummed in response as she continue "you were mumbling about your mom dad and someone named Zane would you like to talk about" I lift my head up to look her in the eyes "What do you want to know" I sat all the way up as she rest her head on my chest "I guess why don't you tell me about what you were dreaming about" I started to play with her hair as I looked up at the ceiling

"you see not many people know this only mom does but I guess they're not really a reason hiding it on the bridge I lost my mother and my stepfather never called him dad though that's who's Zane was" I felt her eyes on me but I just kept looking up "you see I lost my father before that day he just never came home one of his friends told my mother that he has passed I found out a week after I was heartbroken I really love my dad he meant everything to me" I felt her put a hand on my cheek as I look down "What did your parents act like and what did they look like" I gave her a small smile as I put my head back up

"my mother was very sweet whoever you was down there you could go to her and she will help immediately no matter what she had beautiful red hair I get my skin color from her her eyes was a hazel color her lips was a ruby red her close was always torn but that was because she's been through a lot she used to tell me that whenever an enforce would come down to the undercity she would fight them off it was quite funny" I started to laugh at the memory of my mother

"my father on the other hand I don't know much about him he was never at home but that was because he was busy with other work but every time he came home he always made time for me and my mother I know he loved me to death he swore if anything happened to me he would've killed that person that try to hurt me he was protective over me  I don't remember know what my father really looks like but I got his hair color and his eye color I can't remember everything about him though it's hazy sometimes I wish that he would walk through those doors back when I was younger prove to us that he wasn't dead a part of me still thinks he's alive but I'm not sure" I felt a hand wiping away my tears

"on the other hand Zane he was sweet he wanted me to know that he would be there for me that he was my new father never called him dad though I couldn't there was only one man that I will ever call dad and that's my biological father but Zane I could tell he really loved my mother he was always there for us and put his work aside for us my dad put his work first but he always made me feel like no matter what even if his work was through the roof I could come to him with any problem and he will help me with it Zane on the other hand try to hard he always wanted to know if there was anything that I needed help with and he wouldn't let me do it on my own he said I'm just a kid even though I have my dad's intelligence may be a little bit better than him though he always told me that I was a smart kid smarter than most Zane wanted me to be protected and didn't let me try anything new that could hurt me which I think is bullshit I don't know how he's expecting me to learn if I didn't get injured half the time that's one perk of learning you need to fall a couple times to actually get it"

I look down at my fiancé and gave her a kiss on the fore head "but that's in the past we should get some sleep though there's a lot to do tomorrow we need to see if Silco actually come and if he doesn't then we need to destroy that shimmer factory on top of that we have to find the designs so much that we have to do tomorrow" we both got underneath the covers and Powder curled up in my arms "good night love sweet dreams" I hold her close afraid that she might leave me I finally started to fell into a deep sleep


I woke up about an hour ago but I couldn't get out of the bed because one powder was on top of me still asleep and two I didn't wanna get up either especially after last night have those memories flood back it is a lot to handle especially the memories about my father all I know about him is I got my haircolor and eye color from him my dark brown hair and my stormy blue eyes  I was looking up at the ceiling just thinking about what I'm gonna do next I need to find those designs and see who has them and then we have the whole thing with Silco

"babe we need to get ready" I looked up at my fiancé as she was sitting on my lap poking my cheek "all right then let's go get ready for the day"

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