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All four of us just talking and eat after a of couple minutes Caitlyn Vi and Ekko came into the room and sat down to join us it was quite unsettling but I pushed The feeling back and kept talking with dad mom and Caitlyn Powder was talking to Vi and Ekko  Me and dad was the first ones to finish and just in time to as I heard a knock on the door

It was Victor "hey Vic what are you doing here so early" I got out of my seat and went towards Victor to help him out a little "you told me to meet you here yesterday because we were going to head to my friend" I slept myself in the head "right I forgot about that I also said that I was going to head with dad to his friend we could do it before the meeting I think" I look back as dad got out of his seat and came towards us "dad (y/n) what" I look back at Victor and put a hand on his shoulder "surprise I found my father he wasn't dead I found him and he's the ruler of the undercity" Victor looked at me and then a dad "I see if you want we can reschedule it" I put my hands up and started to shake them "no no need for that we can run down there real quick it shouldn't take us long and I believe mom said the meaning was in the afternoon so we have time I have to push something else back for later tonight but that shouldn't be a problem"

I looked back at the table to see powder giving me a nod and a smile saying that it was all right and we can do it tonight "all right then let's head to his friends first then we can head to mine let's get going though we have to be here before the meeting" dad started to make his way to the door as I started to walk with Victor "wait up dad we're walking with Victor and behind him we don't know where we're going" dad stop by the door and wait for me and Viktor once we all got to the door I turned around and waved goodbye to everyone


we were walking by a river and dad looked confused "excuse me boy what's your friends name" we kept walking Victor didn't bother to look back at us "I believe his name is Singed I was his assistant when I was younger" we got over to a cave and I saw the path was mostly rocks I got in front of Victor and gave him a hand "well then we're heading to the same place that's the friend I wanted (y/n) to meet as well" Victor took my hand and I helped him down the rocky path "well this saved us a lot of time then" once we got all the way down the rocky path I saw a door Victor and dad walked over to it as I was behind them Victor didn't bother knocking and just opened up the door and walked inside he stepped aside for me and dad to come in as well

I saw a guy sitting at a desk I couldn't tell what he was doing he was wearing mostly black "what brings you here" he didn't bother to look at us or to look up at that matter "I wanted you to meet someone so turn around" dad went a little bit forward and the man stood up and turned around to greet dad "it's a pleasure to see you again Silco Victor I see your back as well but I don't recognize the girl who is she" I stood by Victor a little bit behind him "that's (y/n) my daughter she has some questions about the shimmer for you" I stepped into his full view and waved "it's a pleasure to meet you Victor told me some things about you basically how you gave him the shimmer for his leg and arm and then dad said that you're the one that found the shimmer Is thatis that correct" he was wearing a mask so I couldn't see his entire face but I could tell that his face was very scarred up

I walked in a little bit more and so did Victor "I see what would you like to know about the shimmer" he pulled out a chair and motion for me to sit down once I sat down he grabbed another chair and sat in front of me "basically I would like to know what does shimmer do I know it's harmful but I also know that he could heal people now since dad told me it's what he used for his eye to make sure he doesn't go blind in it and then Victor's arm and leg I saw him walk a little what exactly does it do" I noticed dad walking over to another desk and sat down in the chair while Victor was standing on a platform "that's an excellent question little one basically it does two things one is it enhances the healing process so it can heal most wounds in victors case he can help his leg if he means the right acquirements it can also enhance the users constitution that the muscle grow bigger and they can be stronger there's is side effects to it though but if you meet the requirements and use a healthy dose you should be fine" I cross my legs as I thought for a moment "what would happen if you don't use a healthy dose" I could tell that he was confused "you should have seen it all around in the other city" I was about to say something

before dad butted in "she wouldn't she's been living in piltover with her adopted mother she wouldn't know anything about shimmer that's why I brought her to you" he looked at dad them back at me "I see well if they don't use a healthy dose and they overdose on it it could lead to them being more injured they will have purple veins sticking out of their bodies and so much more damage that's why a lot of people say that shimmer is dangerous because a lot of people don't use a healthy dose you can see it in one part of the undercity I don't think your dad wants you to go down there but you can see the side effects the people are skinny purple veins sticking out and they just look so much different than they did but if they use a healthy dose they should be fine" I gave him a quick note and thought about all the information I had "oh by the way Silco your eye thing is in the drawer if you need to use it" I stood up and went to stand by dad as he took the thing out and set it up

Handing me the device "you sure you got this I know you did it the first time but just double checking" I gave him a smile as I put the thing up to his eye double check my work "i'm sure I got this like I said I have a steady hand" once I was certain that I was in the right place I press the button down I moved it away from his eye once it was done he closes his eye for a little and lean forward "thanks was that all the questions you had" I stood up straight and looked at Victor "I have one more well maybe two actually the first one is with is the shimmer could keep Victor alive I don't want he to die neither does he and I'm sure a bunch of people don't he's one of my best friends I don't want to lose him so would the shimmer keep him alive if we use healthy doses" I turn back to stare at the guy to see him nod his head "it should if he use healthy doses and not overdose himself like Silco has his thing for his eye I can create something for Victor as well to make sure he gets the help he needs to keep him alive but what's your second question" I nod my head

then turn to look at Victor he was staring at me with a smile and I pointed "what the fuck is that think he standing in front of"


hello everyone I'm not sure if you guys are going to read this but I just want to say I am so sorry for not writing in so long I was having a break and I going to get my mind straight on the book so I just needed to take some time off but I'm back now and I should be Writing as well if you guys made it this far in the story thank you so much you guys mean a lot to me I love the support and everything like that so thank you

but I just want to say I am so sorry I've been writing for a long time I'm back now though and I should be writing again I just want to say thank you to everyone that stayed with the book and thank you for the support and also if you see any spelling mistakes please let me know if it would help a lot

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