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I left the room beforeVictor trying to clear my thoughts and trying to think what would be next what would be the best plan of action
"hey (y/n) there you are" I looked over to see that Vi was back "oh hey how did the shimmer factory go" I noticed that she had gauntlets  beside her "it went good I left a note like you said and that Jayce guy said he was going to talk to him I think that's where he is now" I gave her a simple nod as I made my way to the door "all right then I'll see you too later I should be back later on today or tonight I just need to clear my head" without another word I left


I found a note on my desk earlier that said to meet someone named Jayce at a certain place and time around sunrise I knew that he was a counselor which annoyed me I already got a note yesterday telling me they want to talk I wasn't going to go until they target one of my shimmer factories I found a note there as well tell me to meet with this so called Jayce or worst stuff will happen I can tell you they're being bold doing that I finally made it to the place it was by the sea there was cannons it looks secluded barely any people will be here I saw the guy that I was supposed to meet already there he was looking over the edge he spotted me and I started to make my way over to him

"perfect place for an ambush" I stopped right in front of him "and you without your hammer" he looked away for me closing his eyes "I was reminded recently what brought us together in the first place the threats beyond our walls" he finally looked at me again "this city has a short memory"
"progress" he wouldn't look at me for long "far bid it for me to standing in the way" I reached in my coat pocket to grab a piece of paper a list of what I want I had a small smirk on my face as I gave the paper to him he open the people up and started to read "free trade routes blank amnesty unrestricted access to the Hexgates sovereignty you really think you're in a position to demand all of this" I could tell that he was upset

"I give you credit for your stunt boy didn't think you had the stomach but the big display followed by a request for parlay your tipping your hand your afraid" he close his eyes and looked away "I am afraid today I got a glimpse of what war between us might look like your people wouldn't stand a chance the council couldn't care less you're lucky that the princess has this in her hand trying to work things out with you to save you from annihilation" that's the first time I'm ever hearing of a princess "well well not the fresh face academy pledge are you and where is this princess if she wants piece this is the price" he let out a little huff  "you will discontinue the production of shimmer" he was giving me the demands now "half there already" I could tell that he was thinking of something "we need something that will be value to you" I looked around confused I guess he doesn't know about the designs that I had stolen from that lab

"I have nothing of value to me" he had a slight smile on his face "that's where you're wrong you have to have something that is valuable to you that you would die for I'll give you tomorrow to think of what you would want to give if it was up to me I would have you rotting in a cell but I'm pretty sure the princess wouldn't think so" he handed me my piece of paper back "you get me something that you value more than your life and I'll give you your nation of Zoan" I caught the paper before it could falling as he walked away


I thought about heading back to the undercity back to the last drop but there was one place I wanted to go first it took me a couple minutes but I finally got to the building it was the place that I took Vander the place that he died this place has different memories to me though I grab the handle of the door and pushed it open I notice someone was there


I was walking around Piltover trying to figure out what my next plan was I had my gas mask on my belt I forgot to put it back up before I left I was close to the bridge I saw no enforces there I looked around and decided to head back to the undercity for a little bit not deep down in the undercity just to my old home I knew that would take me a while to get back there but it would be a nice trip just to look around

the sun wasn't all the way up yet but it was nice to be honest I always loved looking at the  undercity when the sun was just coming up the reason for that is it always look beautiful not as pretty as Piltover but I remember there was always some broken glass on the floor when the sun hits it it will go around making little rainbows it was always pretty to see it has its own type of beauty in its own way better than Piltover to be honest it has more character which is very nice

I finally got to the building I remember the last time I was here was the day that I brought Powder with me to Piltover the building was torn down I remember the explosion happening the fire and everything the fire was long gone by now and the building was still standing even though it looked horrible because of the explosion but it was still my first home a smile creeped on my face as I went inside I use one of the open windows well shattered windows I started to look around it was a mess in here some of the windows was blocked off by the platforms that has fail it was dark in here but the sun did light it up quite a bit

I close my eyes for a second just listening it brought a smile to my face remembering all of the times all of the memories that I had here since I was a kid I wasn't upset instead I was happy even though the memories hurt after a few minutes of just standing there I heard the door open I turn my attention to the door to see who has opened it the smile on my face faded as I recognize the person it was


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