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I was outside the lab door I found my mask and goggles hanging up I quickly put my mask on and put the goggles on top of my head I took out my key to unlock the door but it was already unlocked "I guess Powder kept it unlocked" when I went inside I heard loud music playing that I didn't recognize I guess they pick a new song I close the door and went over to the desk where Powder Vi and Ekko are once I got over to the desk I wrapped my arms around Powder "hey babe how did it go" I let go of Powder and sat down in my seat "it could've gone way better" I laid my head on the desk as I close my eyes for a minute "anyways what have you three been doing" I noticed that they were designs all over the desk "well I was showing them some of the designs that we had when I noticed that two are missing" I shot up and started to go through the designs

"what do you mean two are missing no one should've been able to come in here the only person could is Victor" I couldn't tell which two designs are missing  "yeah I know but I don't think it was Victor When I used my key to open up the door and I know that I locked it before we left but the door wasn't locked I could just push it open I found the broken lock on the floor" I shot up for my seat and went to go look for the broken lock "which two are missing" Vi handed me the lock so I could see the damage

"That's the thing I'm worried about one of them isn't so dangerous but the other one i'm very concerned about" I looked at her to keep going "one was a new gun we're working on and the other one was a old design for a bomb" I sat back down in my seat and took out my tools to try to fix the lock "which one was it because we have a lot of designs for bombs" Ekko started to hand me tools to help me out "it's was the dangerous that we had to keep locked up because of how dangerous it is it was the Z bomb" I dropped the screwdriver as I looked at her "the Z bomb design was stolen" she gave me a quick nod "what's so important about that bomb anyways" I looked at Vi "the Z bomb is very dangerous we never make that bomb because how dangerous it is i'm talking about forest fires lack of water for a while and it can wipe out everything to a five or four miles and that was just a prototype we did it far away it was abandon city we make sure no one was there to text out the bomb it did not go well"

"then why are you two just sitting there we need to go find it" I looked at Ekko as I got up "it's fine the design that they took wasn't finish we never keep the design finish we keep them separated" I went over to the safe and took out the key "(y/n) right we don't keep all of the design together the one they took was the idea you know having what it can do and stuff like that we actually don't keep the design of it with all the key component for it to work together just in case of this would've happened" I found the design still in the safe in the exact same place "the design is still in here" I shut the safe back and locked it "we just need to find the person that has that blue plant of it" we heard a knock on the door "who is it" I turn the music down so I did hear "it's Eric it's time for the trial"

I went back over to the desk and pull the box out "you guys go ahead I'll be one minute" I found one of my spare locks and the keys that go with it "here Powder take the key it will be for the lock down I'm pulling in now" she took the key and went out the door as I put the lock on the desk making sure I had everything for the new lock I grabbed it and went over to the door I put the new lock in and went outside I locked the door making sure I had the key and put my mask and goggles up I saw Eric about to leave "Eric wait I need you" he stopped in his tracks and turned around "yes miss (y/n)" I made a motion for him to come over and he did "I need you to stand here tell them it's an order from me someone broke in while me and Powder was gone so I need you to stand here in case of something else happens" he looked worried but gave me a nod "of course Miss was anything stolen though" I was about to walk away before I stopped "it doesn't matter right now just make sure no one goes in there" with that I went to where the trial will be held

once I got to the door I see Vi Ekko Caitlyn and Powder waiting for me "is everyone ready" they gave me a quick nod "good remember keep a cool head let us do most of the talking Powder Caitlyn we know how to handle the people in there Vi Ekko try to keep a cool head and no matter what please don't say anything about the stolen designs we don't need that going everywhere" Caitlyn look confused as Bi and Ekko didn't look too happy with my plan "I know you two want revenge on Silco but we don't need a war breaking out especially with what's going on now a lot of them are going to say let's try to talk to him first that may be our best option is trying to talk to him I understand that you two might not like that but it's better than going guns blazing in there we need to see if we can work something out with him I understand that we might not be able to but war might be coming but let's leave that to a last resort I am mostly talking to you Vi Powder has told me back in the past how you just went in punching always looking for a fight let's not do that right now let's try to be rational please let's try to be rational I'm going to be bringing up the shimmer thing that maybe makes him want to talk if we destroy a few of his shimmer but that's a no guarantee so let's see what the counsel says and for the designs Caitlyn pretend I didn't mention anything i'll explain to you after the trial"

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