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"well that was boring" we were walking back home from the speech "he hesitated I know what he was going to tell us but he hesitated for some reason" Power looked at me confused "same here sweetie he talk to me about it as well and I told him to go ahead and do it" Elora open the door for us as we went inside "we should get to bed we have stuff to do tomorrow" I gave my mom a hug good night "i'll see you tomorrow me and Power are working on something new" I took my fiancé's hand and we went to our room to get some sleep

"so first thing in the morning we're going to the lab" I got our pajamas out and handed her hers "Love you know that tomorrow morning I'm hanging out with Victor right tomorrow is our annual day for him checking out my sketchbook and I want to ask him a question" we both got changed and we got in bed "right I forgot about that how do you think the project is going along anyway" I snuggled up close to her and held her in my arms "it's going great we just need the gemstone and I'm getting that from Victor tomorrow now it's time to go to bed I love you" I close my eyes as Power shifted to get comfortable "good night babe I love you too"


We were both getting ready for the day I was  doing Power's hair she keeps her hair into two braids which is adorable after we were finished getting ready we headed down for Power to get something to eat

"good morning you too how was your night" Power sat down in her seat as I went to give mom a hug "it was good I'll be leaving now though" mom looked at me confused "remember today me and Viktor are getting breakfast together it's what we normally do" I went back over to Power and gave her a kiss on the cheek "i'll see you once I get back" I had my sketchbook in my hand as I left the house I was heading to mine and Victor's favorite café that we normally stop at I knew I would probably be there before Viktor so I would get us a table

"good evening ma'am is it just you or" she looked around for someone else " there gonna be someone join me his name is Victor" I could tell that she was new she still looked around for him until Layla came "Miss (y/n) it's so good to see you again I assume Victors isn't here yet" I shook my head no "unless he beat me here" Layla started to laugh "he's not here yet I'll direct you to you guys normal seats" I followed Layla to mine and victor's favorite spot in the café I told her I'll wait for him to order the food and drinks about five minutes went by before he showed up

"hey kid it's been a while" Viktor take a seat as Layla came to take our orders "i'll have sweet milk with chocolate chip pancakes" classic Victor "I'll have my usual" and as Lelah went to put it our orders me and Viktor started to talk "so where is the sketchbook" I held up the sketchbook but I didn't give it to him yet "there's something else I need to tell you so the sketchbook can wait" he looked at me confused but I sat the sketchbook on the table he looked closer to my hand and saw the ring "you have a ring on your hand" I gave him an nod as he took my hand "yesterday I proposed to Power and now we're engaged" he looked at me with amazement "wow that's congratulations I wasn't expecting that to be the first topic we talk about oh and aren't you only nineteen" Layla came back with our drinks "so what is the topic today" Layla has always been the one that waits on me and Viktor whenever we come here so we became very good friends with her "I just learned that (y/n) and Power are getting married" I took a sip for my drink as Layla stared at me "congratulations when did this happen and can I see the ring" I gave her my hand as she looked at the ring "it happened yesterday we were at the progress party that mom hosted and the time felt right so I proposed to her yesterday" I got my hand back and took another sip for my drink "that's amazing I'll go check on you guys food"

"so I do have some news about the Hextech" I gave Victor a nod as he continued "you know how we had three of The stable ones" he was speaking in a whisper "last night there was a break in" I was speechless "there was a what we had enforce outside how could that have" Viktor strokes his shoulders "I have no idea I have one on me now the one that I was giving to you and Power to see if you could work it was a bomb but now we only have two" I noticed Layla coming back

"here you to go enjoy the food" once Layla was gone I saw Viktor was about to get the hextech out "don't keep it" I handed him my sketchbook and flipped the page to the design of the bomb "that's the plan we have for the bomb it can wait a little longer right now we have to find the gemstone" 

"how do you think we do that we have no leads" I took a bite of my food as I thought for a minute "what if someone from the undercity took it could that be a possibility" Victor started to eat as well "it is from the report from the enforces that night they said that it looked like they were from the undercity" I hummed in response "what are you gonna do kid" I had a devious grin on my face I looked around making sure no one was in ear distance

"i'm gonna go get the gemstone back"

What if (Jinx) Powder X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें