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As we got to the door I was shaking I didn't know why I guess I'm just nervous I put my hand on the knob but didn't turn it "are you all right" Eric stood by my left I looked up at him and gave him a small smile "yeah just a little nervous that's all I think I don't know why though" I moved my hand away from the door as Eric put his hand on the knob I stood back some next to dad as Eric opened up the door he stepped aside motioning for me to go in I took a deep breath as I stepped a foot in the house

"Babe you back" I am mediately saw the love of my life at the top of the stairs she ran down as fast as she could and wrapped her arms around me giving me the tightest hug I've ever been in "hey love I'm sorry for leaving for so long I missed you" she put her head in the crook of my neck trying to hold me tighter and get me closer to her "you scared me I thought that I would see you specially after hearing that you were kidnapped" I started to chuckle as I pulled away making her look at me "I wasn't kidnapped far from it actually I went there on my own he didn't force me I chose to follow him" she looked at me confused but then I heard more running and I was tackled into another hug "(y/n) there you are I was going to band the whole idea of just leaving a note and tell him to give him three hours hell I was gonna go immediately" I gave Vi a hug back but pulled away "i'm glad you guys did give us three hours whose idea was that anyways" Vi looked at me confuse

"it was my idea babe but why" I gave Powder a kiss as I started to laugh "thank you this is one for the reasons I love you because like I said I went there on my free will he didn't kidnap me I went there willingly" both of them look at me confused as I got tackled into another hug from behind "Caitlyn don't make me fall please" I turned around and gave Caitlyn a proper hug "sorry I was just worried about you Vi came and got me immediately once she found out that you were kidnapped" I was about to say that I wasn't kidnap again before I felt another arm around me "i'm glad I had scouts down there I don't think any of us would've known that you were kidnapped" I rolled my eyes as I gave Ekko a hug but then pulled away "how many times I have to say it" I was interrupted

by my mother "sweetheart it's so good to have you back" my mother pulled me in for a hug not giving me any chance to tell anyone what happened "why is he here did he bring you back for something or" it was my grandmother this time I put my hands up and started to walk away "nope you all won't listen to me so I'm leaving" I went by the door and stood

"(y/n) sweetheart please step away from the dangerous man" I was about to say something before dad intervened "judging by how you won't let her speak even though she told you guys a couple of times that she went with me on her free will and I didn't kidnap her I think she's safer with me" Eric put his hand behind my head so I wouldn't hit my head on the wall
"this is not going how I thought it would" I whispered into Eric ear and he started to chuckle "yeah me either" we were interrupted by someone yelling "and why is she safe with you explain to me that you kidnapped her" it was my mother I was about to say that I went on my free will and try to explain more

before dad intervened again "maybe because I didn't kidnap her and why would I kidnap my own daughter explain to me that" everyone's face in the room went to complete shock except for mine Erics and dad's "what do you mean by your daughter (y/n) what is he talking about" I put my hands in the jacket pockets

and started to walk towards everyone again "like he said when I was down in the undercity I went back to my old place I used to stay at coincidence Silco was heading there too for some reason we talked for a little bit until I use a sleeping bomb to knock his ass out I expected that he stole something and I was correct on that one but he didn't have them on him instead he had a picture of me and my mother it took a few hours but he finally woke up and I yelled at him asking him to explain the picture he told me that it was the last thing he has of his family his wife and daughter we went to the last drop to talk and I knew that he was my father since the picture and everything but I followed him to the last drop so we could just talk and figure everything out then I found out that he is my biological father" mom looking at me then at dad a couple of times "I do have to say you two do look alike"

I looked at dad for second then looked at Powder and Vi I did that a couple times until dad finally looked at me "what am I missing something" I just stared at him as I looked at Powder and Vi "no I'm not doing it" I hit my dad in the side "you are going to do it like I said I don't care if I have to force you to do it you are doing it" he looked at me mad but then it went into complete fear "like I said in the elevator if I wasn't sure they were my daughter I am now stop looking like your mother it's terrifying" he stood back up properly as I motioned for Powder Ekko and Vi to come here

"why am I doing this again" I gave dad a face saying 'if you don't do this now I will make you do it in an even more embarrassing state don't test me' he put his hands up and looked away for me "yep my attitude and your mothers terrifying look that's an all new level of scary remind me to never get you pissed off" I gave dad a smile as I looked at Powder Vi and Ekko

motioning dad to do it "i'm sorry for killing Vander but to be honest he deserved it" I hit dad in the side again "all right all right but he did he tried to kill me Plus he told your mother and you that I was dead he trying to drowned me and told you and your mother that I was dead so yeah no he deserved it you're not gonna get me to apologize for that one but I'm sorry for ruining your guys life for killing him I was just mad and wanted revenge I understand how painful it can be to lose people you love because I was took away from (y/n) and mother and I'm sorry about Benzo it wasn't my plan to kill him the mutant that I created with the shimmer did it on impulse Vendor was the only one I wanted to kill to even the score but I didn't the mute went off on his own and killed them instead of just knocking them out I apologize for that"

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