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As (y/n) went to go get Mel I was bombarded with questions "You're gonna have to explain this" Vi held me by the shoulders "explain what" I was confused "maybe the person you're marrying is the daughter of the ruler of  piltover" Vi started to shake me "oh yeah right like (y/n) said when the attack happened on the bridge and enforcer shot her in the leg when she was on the side of piltover Mel was just coming in to be the ruler of piltover she witness (y/n) gets shot in the leg she took pity on her saying that she's just a kid she has no part in this stuff like that and took her in" I was leaning against one of the walls "ok but how do people not know she's from the undercity" I look towards Ekko "well you see Mel isn't from piltover originally she's from a place called Noxus I believe so everyone here just thinks (y/n) is from there as well"


I went to my mothers room to get her i'm still confused on what has happened up here I finally got her bedroom door and knocked on the door three times as I heard some rustling "mom is everything ok in there" I had my hand on the knob about to open up the door "sweetie you're back yes everything's fine" I heard some footsteps as I back away from the door my mom opened up the door but only a little bit "Hey mom is everything ok in there" she looks stressed "everything's fine sweetheart I just had a bad dream that's all I'm glad that you're back where were you at anyways I know Victor told me you and Powder went to go find a wedding spot" I shook my head no "that was a lie we went somewhere else and I really need to talk to you about it" she looked confused "anyways are you hiding something you never did this before barely having your door open" mom look back in the room then back at me "of course not what gives you that idea" I walked forward some grabbing the doorhandle and pushing it open more "then I guess you won't mind me taking a look"

Mom stood in front of me trying to block my view of the room "I promise you sweetheart there's nothing in here" I gave mom a looks saying 'I know that's a lie' I pushed her aside and looked around I then saw someone in her bed "mom what have you been doing" I was whispering now to not wake the person up I got a little closer and I recognized it to be Jayce "please tell me you're not sleeping with him" I saw my mom's face she was embarrassed "i'm an adult I can make my own choices anyway what do you need to talk about" I put my hands up and walk to the door "nope not happening I'm going to pretend I didn't see this and leave the room I'll talk to you tomorrow morning about it because I'm not dealing with that" before I could close the door my mom called out to me again "sweetheart by the way tomorrow will have someone coming"

I stopped in my tracks and turned around "what do you mean by that who's coming" she looked nervous "there's no easy way to say this but your grandmother will be coming it will be in the afternoon" I looked at my mom confused "my grandmother I don't believe I have one of those" mom got closer to me and put a hand on my shoulder "you do have a grandmother she disowned me when I was younger the reason why I came to piltover was because she disowned me and told me I would be better fit here but tomorrow she's coming so please be on your best behavior she knows nothing about you so I'm going to have to introduce you to her I'll pick out an outfit for you to wear around her you can change it back once we're done talking to her I don't know why she's coming but please try to be on your best behavior tomorrow" I put my hand on top of my moms and gave her nod "sure thing just make sure he isn't here tomorrow morning" my mom got embarrassed as I walked out of the room

I went back to everyone else's to see a lot of them questioning stuff "your back maybe you can explain" Powder ran behind me "what's going on" Vi stood right in front of me "Maybe you left out the fact that your the rollers daughter" I put my hand on my head "can we not talk about this right now I'll show you three to some rooms you guys can stay in will talk to my mom tomorrow morning I'm just done with tonight I don't want to do anything else really" Powder looked at me confused "Babe what's going on" she put a hand on my cheek "it's nothing love I'll explain later just a lots going on" I put my hand on top of hers "why don't I show you the rooms you guys can stay" we started heading to three spare rooms that we had "just to let you know there is a change of clothes in there and a bathroom in other words I'm saying take a shower oh and Caitlyn Vi I don't know if you want to share a room I don't care just pack" once we got them to the rooms we said our good night and me and Powder went to ours

"so babe what's going on" I was heading in the bathroom to start the bathwater  before I turned around "i'll explain once we both take a Bath I promise I'll explain everything I just need to get my mind situated" she gave me a nod as she got our close out I started to run the bath

after we were both done we got changed and sat on the bed "so what happened" I lay down on my back "it's just a lot that happened today especially now I found out that mom sleeping with someone" Powder cuddled up in my arms as I just explained "I had a gun pointed at me and now I find out that I have a grandmother and she's coming tomorrow" I laid my head on top of hers "that is a lot that happened but who is she sleeping with" I turn to look at my fiancé smiling "do you remember that Jayce guy the one I gave the speech" she got up and got underneath the covers "nope I'm not listening to this anymore" I started to laugh as I joined her "yep we should get to bed though" I put my arms back around to as she cuddled up to me "I love you you know that" my voice was only a whisper "I love you too babe get some sleep we both need it" and just like that we both went to sleep

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