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I put the outfit back on that my mom gave me yesterday I just finished Powder's hair for today "I have to head to moms room I'll see you in a little bit love" I gave her a kiss on the fore head as I left for my mothers room once I got there I knocked on the door three times "come in" once I open up the door I see my mom sitting at her dresser looking at something "what you got there" my mom patted a seat next to her telling me to sit

once I sit down I recognized what she had "I think you recognize these that day on the bridge I had one of the enforcers go back and try to find your mothers body once they found your mothers body they took these two things from her" my mom handed me the two items "do you know what's funny about these my father gave them to my mother" I put down the second item I put my hair up with my mothers ribbon it was a dark red ribbon that she wore once I was finished putting my hair up I grab the earrings there was a ruby red color I put them on and stare at myself in the reflection "they look good on you sweetie" I stood up about to leave before my mom stopped me "by the way your grandmother wants to talk to you she should be outside in the garden waiting" I gave my mother simple smile as I gave her hand up "thanks mom and thanks for giving these to me" I gave her a hug before I left the room heading out to the garden

Once I made it outside I saw my grandmother sitting on a bench I took a deep breath in and let it out as I made my way over to her "you wanted to see me ma'am" she stood up with a smile on her face "that I did and please just call me grandma there's no reason for ma'am" she motioned for me to follow her deeper in the garden it was silent while we walked I have no idea why she would want to see me we made it to the middle of the garden and there was a table set up with some tea and food on it "I thought this would be a nice way to get to know each other" we made it over to our seats

"don't worry now none of it is poison" I took a sip of the tea and recognized it to be my favorite "is this (f/t)" I had a smile on my face as she took a sip of her tea as well "i'm surprise you recognized it it's one of my favorites" I looked down at the tea with a smile on my face "that's a coincidence it's also my favorite" I put the tea down and grabbed a cracker "i'm glad to hear that (y/n)" I took another sip of the tea as she asked me a question "do tell me how did my daughter find you" I put the tea down and looked her straight in the eyes

"you see when I was younger there was a war going on the bridge that connected the undercity to piltover my mother and stepfather was killed on the bridge I ran to piltover that's where mom found me I got shot in the leg by an enforcer mom kept saying that I was just a kid and I had no part in that and she took me in I've been living with her ever cents" I took another sip of my tea as she asked me another question "your stepfather huh what happened to your biological one" I looked down at my lap as I remember that day

"he's gone he passed away before that day at least that what we were told a part of me still thinks he's alive but there's a little possibility I no the person that my father trusted the most told my mother that he was gone so I know it's a low chance that he survived but sometimes Is telling me that he is still alive he was truly an honest man he loved me and my mother dearly" I quickly wiped away my tears from my eyes "I know I look like my mother except for my brown hair and my blue eyes I get those for my father" I looked her in the eyes and I saw she had another question for me "if your father is alive would you go back to him leave piltover and everyone else or would you stay"

I thought about that one for a minute but I came up with an answer "to be honest I would probably spend a week here than a week with my father if he is still alive you know how divorced parents do the kids stay with the mother for a week and then with the father for the next I would probably do that but like I said there's a low chance that he's alive"

We spent the next hours just talking getting to know each other I told her about my designs and the bombs that me and my fiancé Powder creates she seemed impressed especially with my IQ level and how even when I was younger I knew the key component that we need it for the bombs I even told her that I know how to use different types of guns, knives, and all sorts of different weapons in a fight so I am skilled in fighting and she seemed impressed with that one I realized it was getting late I was already about to be midnight and we were still just sitting there talking but I'm having fun talking with my grandmother she told me some stories about different wars that she's been in and also telling me how she got some of the scars on her She's told me some stories about my uncle as well I understood that she missed her son but she was happy to tell me about him she even told me some stories about my dead grandfather her husband he passed away years ago she even told me some stories about my mother when she was younger she was just about to tell me another story when I heard someone calling my name

"(y/n) there you are babe I'm sorry to interrupt but we kind of have a problem" I waiting for my fiancé to finish "Vi and Jayce is missing I think they went to the shimmer factory" I stood up and put my hand on my fiancé shoulder " I see well he does have a couple more hours but judging by how late it's getting he wouldn't have come I'm guessing they couldn't stay patient but to be fair he only had two more hours left they are probably still on the way there I did give Vi a pocket watch with the time that she could go and attack on it she's probably waiting" I looked at my grandmother and smiled "grandma this is Powder my fiancé Powder this is my grandmother" my grandmother got up out of her seat and came towards my fiancé and me she held her hand for powder to shake it which  she did "it's an honor to meet you (y/n) i've been telling me a lot about you" I saw that my fiancé got a bit nervous "I guess we spent the whole day talking but for now me and powder need to get heading to the lab to start working i'll see you another time grandma" 

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