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I cover my ears everyone kept yelling "shut up you're giving me a headache" everyone finally quiet down and I was able to take a breather "all right why don't we all go sit down and we can talk about this" I grabbed Power's hand and started to walk away with everyone following us we sat down on some grass and everyone joined "ok one at a time" Vi Was the first one to speak "how did this happen I don't get it" I thought for a moment "Well you see me and Power I have known each other for years now we've we're together for four years and we recently got engaged" Power gave Vi her hand to look at the ring "how long have you two been engaged for" I looked at Ekko "since progress day so not that long" Ekko took my hand and looked at my ring "they are beautiful they match Power's eye"

"they do don't them I had them made for us to be honest I was worried she wouldn't like them" Power scooted closer to me and took my hand "I love them and you know it I just wasn't expecting you to propose that day" I could tell that Vi was shooting me death glares "it felt like the right time like I said I can't imagine my life without you" I noticed Caitlyn just sitting there "I know you already knew but is there any questions you would like to ask" Caitlyn nod her head yes "yeah I know I got all my questions out when you two told me but there is one and it really doesn't have to deal with it but you two are down here who's covering for you two up there" I gave her a smile "Victor is he knows we're down here and he's telling mom that we're out looking for a place for the wedding now Vi I think we should talk in private I know there's somethings you want to ask me so why don't we go talk in private" Vi stood up immediately "I was about to ask you that there's somethings we need to get straight"

We went by the paining that was on the tree to talk "go ahead I'm ready for anything" she didn't look at me "have you hurt my sister in anyway" I thought for a moment and I smiled "never once you can even ask her if I do it's not intentional and she knows that when I see it I apologize say I'm sorry I didn't mean it but I never once laid a hand on her or try to hurt  her in any other way" she turned around to look at me "I need you to promise me something" I gave her nod waiting for her to continue "I need you to promise me that no matter what happens you will never betray or even think about hurting her if you do I'll kill you" I gave her a simple smile "I promise never once had those thoughts ever came to my mind and they never well I love Power with my whole being I can't imagine my life without her so I promise you no matter what happens I will stay by her side" Vi looked happy to hear those words "can I ask you a question now" she got me confused but agreed "I couldn't do this earlier so I want to do it now do I have your blessing to marry her" Vi put a hand on my shoulder "you do I see that she's happy with you I just needed to make sure you wouldn't hurt her or even think about it I'm happy for you both" Vi pull me in for a hug "now come here your gonna be family soon so I will protect you as long as you don't hurt my sister" I gave her a hug back "Wouldn't dream of it"

after our little talk we went back to everyone else Power saw us she got up and came running tackling me into a hug "hey love is everything ok" she had her head buried into the crook of my neck "yes I'm fine babe I was just wondering what you two are talking about" I lifted her chin so her can look at me "I was just getting her permission" she looked at Vi them back at me "I don't think that's the only thing you two talked about but ok" I started to laugh as I kept her in my arms "yeah the other thing was your sister threatening me saying if I hurt you she will kill me" I felt her grip titan around me "you've never hurt me not in a million years if anything I hurt you" I started to laugh "you never hurt me if I say you do it's in a joking tone and you know it"

"we should get going we talked about all heading up to piltover to see what we can do to help the people down here" Caitlyn and Ekko was standing by Vi "all right let's get going then"

What if (Jinx) Powder X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz