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Me and Power has been looking for a spot to shoot off the flare to signal her sister plus we were looking for someone caught Sevika Power knows who Savika is she described her as well built woman with dark brown skin jet black hair like a raven and her eyes are gray it's been a while since she seen Sevika so we can only go off on what she looks like we couldn't go off of hair style clothing or anything like that

"do you think my sister would like to see me" my thought was broken once Power asked me that question "of course she would she's your sister" Power didn't seem too confident "even after what I did I told you what happened the incident how it's my fault that" I grabbed your hand and pulled her in for a hug "I know I know what she did to you you told me that a million times but the most important thing is that you guys are family I bet she regrets what she did if she loves you and I'm pretty sure she does then you have nothing to worry about" I pulled away and lifted her chin "you're too lovable to be mad at trust me I've tried" we both started to laugh as we continue on our way "Who do you think we're going to find first this Savika woman or a high enough place" we stopped in front of a bar "I don't know but she might be in there the place has changed though" I grab my fiancé's hand and went to an alleyway

"we need to come up with a plan first we need to make sure she has it" I leaned against the wall "you're right I don't even know if she's in there if she is then it's gonna be difficult to get it" an idea came "what if we use the sleeping bombs if none of them have a gas masks we won't have to worry they'll all be asleep the question is how many do we need" I looked back at the street to see the woman we were looking for "we're gonna have to go now that's her" Power looked where I was pointing "yep that Sevika all right she looks beat up though" we both grabbed our masks and put them on "judging by those bodyguards we're not gonna get an easily" Power grabbed my hand and let me father in the alleyway "I know another way in I used to live there before the incident I can get us in"

We quickly ran behind the building she put down a ladder and started to climb I follow right after her we got by a window "if I'm not mistaken they never fix this window" she open the window with ease "I was correct me and Vi sometimes use this window to get on the roof" we both got inside and shut the window back "we're gonna have to say quiet we need to find out where she is" we were on the second story I looked down at the bar to see different people dancing so much drinking smoking it looked like a mess down there "i've never seen this place like this before a lot of changed this place you to be respected people used to make deals here now I can't believe it" Power look mad "Love it will be fine a lot of changed I say that you used to tell me stories about this place I can't believe it either I never seen this place before but what you told me I know how much people respected it" I heard some voices coming from a room we got close the door to listening

"are you sure it's her" it was a male voice he sounded angry "pretty sure I thought she was dead" that time it was a woman "do you still have the gemstone" so she does have it on her "I do what do you want me to do with it" I looked up to see some beans I grabbed Power's hand and pointed upwards "keep it on you make sure no one's gets it" me and Power got on the beams so she wouldn't see us if she comes "all right then" we got up there just in time as we saw the door starting to open "don't disappoint me" The door closed and there she was she started her down the stairs that's when we got the sleeping bombs out

"on the count of three" we got at least four out I had two and Power had two I held up my fingers and started the countdown from three once I put my last finger down we pulled the bombs and through them down below these  one's was the most expensive metal it will take longer but a bigger explosion will happen it will go almost everywhere we also put as the much sleeping gas in these as we could it will make sure that they'll be out for a long time when the bomb went off all you could hear was coughing and the music we started to see everyone falling we got down off the beams and went downstairs some was still awake but too weak to fight I saw Sevika Landing on the counter

"Who are you" she was coughing nonstop "that's none of your business really but you have something of mine and I would like it back" she fell down to her knees as I step closer to her "what is this stuff" I was surprised that she could still talk "sleeping gas you'll be out for a while" after another minute she finally passed out I looked through her pockets and found the gemstone "I got it let's go" I went to the exit as Power ran towards me I looked up to see someone standing on the balcony he had black hair pale skin and a scar on one half of his face he was wearing a suit black and red he did have a gas mask on but that's all I could see

"come on" I grab Powers hand and ran out the door I put the gemstone in my pocket

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