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I covered my ears as they yelling what louder than anything "why is it every time I come down here I'm getting yelled at" once they stop the yelling I uncovered my ears "ok now that that's over with questions" I got back on top of the desk as the Sevika woman started talking "so out of everyone you're the princess of Piltover" I simply nod my head yes "I have one" I turned my attention to my dad as he asked his question "it's a simple question I understand that you're the one that wanted to work things out peacefully with the undercity right" all I did was nod as he continued "so my demands for the undercity will go through you am I correct" I put a smile on my face as I answered "technically yes they will go through me but they were also go through my mother well adopted mother because she's the ruler but I'm pretty sure she'll agree with it she wants peace as well what I understand she comes from a place where war is always the first option and my mother hated that so there might be a few changes but throughout everything you should get what you want depending what it is if you have a list then I can go over it and see if I could add things to it"

dad pointed to his coat that I still had on "the list is in the left pocket" I pulled out the list and started to read it "oh this is pretty good but we could add a few more things to it I'll have to ask mother but to my knowledge we should be able to give you all this maybe come to another compromise and we can add a few more things to it as well I know me Victor and Powder want to make the undercity a better place you know clean water clean air stuff like that we're working on something for that now at least we was until all this happened so I'm pretty sure we can work some more things out than just this" I put the list back in the pocket

as I scooted off the desk "but right now we need to get to Piltover before the three hours are up so why don't we get going and then while we're up there we can work something out" dad got up out of his seat and walked to the other side of the desk to stand beside me "that's a wonderful idea let's get going then Sevika you're in charge while I'm gone" She gave dad a simple nod as I followed him out of the room "bye Miss Sevika I hope to talk to you another time" before she could reply I shut the office door following dad out of the last drop

it was silent as we made it to the elevator "so umm dad" he hummed in response letting me know that he's listening "I was hoping that you and mother could work something else out" I was looking away but I could tell that my father has an eye on me telling me to continue "well you see I don't want to leave mom or my friends in Piltover but I don't want to lose you either I was thinking maybe you two could work something out where I stay with her one week then with you another week or something like that I don't want to be split up for my family and I Count my family or you and I just-" I heard my dad starting to chuckle as he put a hand on my shoulder "of course we can work something out after all you're my daughter I'm not gonna let them take you away from me and I want to make sure you're happy I lost you ones I don't wanna lose you again I also had a feeling that you would want to stay in Piltover if you have a family there especially because of your fiancé so I understand I was thinking of us working something else out that you'll go from one place to another or I could travel to see you I'm not gonna let them separate us though never again" I let out a sigh of relief as dad said those words "thanks I was worried you know not seeing you but then I wouldn't be able to see my mom or Victor or Powder of course Powder could come with me I mean she's originally from the undercity"

"what do you mean she's originally from the undercity" I looked at my dad confused until I remembered "right I need to start telling you shit and not assuming that you know it so to simplify it powder and her sister from the undercity they were taken in by a guy name Vander but he died that's actually when I found Powder was when Vander died" I couldn't tell you the look on my dad's face "well we might not get along" I looked at him confused until he continued "you see Vander was like a brother to me until he tried to drowned me that the guy that tried to kill me I got back at him by killing him that day I think Powder's sister saw it I can't remember her name pink hair saw it so we're not gonna get along at all" I look at my dad shocked "well we have to clear up a lot of stuff then other than the fact that you're my father to everyone and that you didn't kidnap me then we have to explain why you killed him and you have to say sorry about it" I could tell that my dad was going to fight me on it

until he saw my face "I don't care what you say you're apologizing I understand what he did was messed up I understand that you wanted revenge you got your revenge but you ruined another person's life and I know he ruined my life as well by trying to kill you me and my bio mothers life but you need to understand that they will be family soon and it would be nice of you to apologize you don't have to like it but I still would like you apologized don't worry I'll make sure that they understand where you're coming from and why you did what you did but you are going to say your sorry I don't care how long it will take me to make you do it but I will make you apologize to them" my dad put his hands up and locked away "well I can tell you this you got my attitude and your mothers look when you get mad or serious and that is terrifying that is 100% terrifying not to mention the creepy smile you're making now god if I wasn't sure you where mine I do now" I started to laugh as we reach the top "come on let's get going I don't know how many minutes or hours we have left"

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