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It's been a couple of minutes since we came out of the room we were all just laughing Caitlyn has tried to make me stop but I haven't I kept saying the shit she did back in the room she finally covered my mouth "why are you doing this" I sent her glare and remove her hand "this is payback for giving me a headache that entire time we were there you just kept yelling on top of your lungs" after everyone calm down from the fit of laughter we started to actually talk "I do have to admit though this place is very beautiful I didn't know something down here could grow like this" I close my eyes and just let the bodies hit me "yeah well if enforces found it it will be rubble and ash" I open my eyes again and looked around "it's a misunderstanding" I push Caitlyn away from me "we both know that is a complete lie they see someone from the undercity something good they have and they think let's burn it" Caitlyn looked at me confused "how do you know that's true" I turned back at her "because  they have always have done that treating the people down here like nothing I know firsthand what it's like sure it's been a while but those memories are still inside me" I could tell everyone but Power was confuse "and how do you know" Vi looked at me up-and-down "you were born and raised in piltover" I started to laugh

"you see that's where you're wrong I was born down here in the undercity I member it like yesterday when I moved to piltover there was a fight on the bridge red smoke covered everything my parents was killed and a enforcer held a gun to my head I ran away from him I ran to piltover that's when I met my mom the enforcer shot me in the leg my mom took pity on me and took me in saying I'm just a kid but no I was born in the Undercity I never came back because of those memories the one time I did was when I got Power and that was really the last time we was down here until now" Caitlyn looked shocked mom told me to keep that a secret from everyone she doesn't even know that Victor knows it but hey I'm down here anyways might as well tell her "i'm sorry to hear that I was just thinking maybe they think that they work for Silco but I'm not sure anymore"

I felt a hand on my shoulder "i'm sorry to hear about your parents I judged you to quick I thought you were born up there as well so I thought that you had the same mindset you were better than us but I guess you proved me wrong" I gave Ekko a smile "it's fine I understand a lot of people judge before they know someone all the enforces think that everyone in the undercity is guilty but at the same time they don't even try to make things better down here me and my friend Victor want to change that" I felt someone else put a hand on my shoulder "what are you planning to do" it was Vi "me, Power and Victor are all from the undercity we want to get everything under control the toxic air the water everything like that we want to make this place actually livable for everyone down here when me and Power came down here we was coughing for a while because we wasn't use ti the air we got used to it quickly but we want to make livable" Ekko open up a container and pulled out the gemstone "I guess this belongs to you then" he handed me the gemstone "thank you but I think maybe you should hold onto it" he looked at me confused "no offense but you steam to be more staple to hold it right now me and Power are probably gonna have people coming after us more Pacific Silco men are going to come after us" I went to my fiancé and stood by her "also can we have our stuff back" he put the gemstone back in the container and gave us a smile "of course come this way" We all followed Ekko to a storage room

We went inside and found our bags Power was talking with Ekko and Vi while I went through our stuff making sure everything is in there "shit where are they" I felt a hand on my shoulder "what is it what are we missing" I close the bags and handed Power hers "our mask and goggles" I stood up with my bag "do you have any idea where they could be" Ekko thought for a moment "I have an idea come with me" we fall him out of the storage room we were walking for a little bit until we got to another part of this place "hey Eve you in there" A girl with pink hair came out "yeah I'm right here what is it"

"do you know what the mask and goggles that those two had on them" she ran back inside the building "right here I was looking at them sorry" she held us both our goggles and mask and we took them back "it's no problem we were just wondering where they were" she gave us a smile "yeah I was looking at the design for them and everything I never seen anything like those before they are also identical" we put our stuff back in our bags "yes well I made them myself we had other ones but they broke we found out that some of the sleeping ass we use in our bombs was slipping through them so I had to make new ones so there's an extra protective layer just in case" I could tell that she was looking at something

"can I see your hands" we thought it was weird but we agreed none the less she had mine and Power's hand looking at them "this is so cool did you make the ring set yourself as well" I shook my head no "no but they are constantly made though but I didn't make them" she kept looking at them "you know it looks like the ring set that you wear when you get married are you two married" I looked away as I felt my cheeks hit up "no we're not married yet (y/n) is just my fiancé" The next thing I heard was everyone yelling


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