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We got notice that two girls came down here with gas mask on one had blue hair and the other one had (h/c) The blue headed one was around 5'3 while the other one was about 5'5 I was washing from a distance seeing who they were it's kind of weird since we got a report of two other girls coming down one with pink hair and the other one with dark blue hair after them

"Power slow down we don't need to run" I looked at them more closely the one with blue hair had her hair tied into braids pale skin and light blue eyes "it couldn't be could it"


Power I was running to the location as I was trying to follow her "Power slow down we don't need to run" she finally stop and let me catch up "you are the only one that knows where we're going I haven't been here in years" she started to laugh as she grabbed my hand "sorry sorry come on it's this way" I rolled my eyes and kept following her we got to the door and she let go of my hand she knocked on the door a slit open so someone can see who we are I couldn't exactly see who it was but they opened up the door for us and we walked in I never seen a place like this there was a different room everywhere some had curtains blocking them some had curtains open there wasn't a single door I saw one of the curtains had a crack in it I looked through and immediately turned away

"um love what are we doing here" I stayed beside Power "getting information there's someone down here that we can talk to" I saw someone give us a weird look "and how are we supposed to get that information" the air was heavier than anything "make them think we work here put on your gas mask" we both put on our mask and kept walking "do you know who we need to talk to" we were halfway down the corridor when Power grabbed my hand pulling me closer to her "I do yeah stay close though I don't like being here" I put my arm around her waist to keep her close by "don't worry love I'm not letting you go" we made it to the first door I've seen in this place Power knocked on the door a couple times before we had someone say come in we opened up the door and stepped in closing the door behind us

"I can't believe it" we took off our masks and look at the lady in front of us I could tell that she was looking Power up and down "I thought all of the children was Dead" she got up from her desk "please take a seat you two my name is Babette" we took a seat and she sat in front of us "i'm so sorry what happened I heard about when Vendor died none of us could stop Silco from taking over" I was confuse I didn't know who he was and I could tell Power was as well "you're gonna have to excuse to us  who is he we haven't been back to the undercity in years" The lady in front of us looked surprised "where have you been and who is your lovely friend" I put my arm around Power pulling her closer to me

"I've been in piltover for the last few years since the incident (y/n) lived there most of her life since the attack on the bridge she was born in the undercity but once the attack happened she lived in piltover sense so we don't know who Silco is" she started to smoke "I see Silco was the one that killed Vander he doesn't care about anyone other than himself i'm glad you got out of here but what are you doing back" I looked at Power "we're looking for something someone stole something very important and we would like it back" she looked at me confused "I see if it has anything to do with dangerous or anything like that Silco probably has it but may I know how you know Power" I still had my arm around Power "it doesn't seem like you two are just friends" I was about to answer before Power beat me to it

"(y/n) is my fiancé" she looked even more surprised "Congratulations but that's all the information I can give you though I'm sorry if it wasn't any help" I stood up and put my gas mask back on "no it was help we know who were looking for now we just need to find him come on let's go" Power stood up and put her gas mask on as well "he's dangerous Sevika works for him" I had my hand on the knob of the door "she wouldn't be a problem I don't know who she is but if she doesn't have a gas mask she's not a problem for us" she was confused until Power asked me a question "are we going to use the sleeping guess on her" I gave her a nod as I open the door for us to both leave "thank you for your help we know where to start now" I shut the door and we made our way out of that place

"the only issue we have now is we don't know where he is" we starting to head the opposite way we came "that's true I don't even know where we can start looking but there is something I wanna do" we both took off our gas mask and put them back in the bag "and what is that love" I was holding her hand and keeping her close "you remember my sister I told you about" I gave her a simple hum "she gave me this flare I grabbed it before we left I want to see if we can find her"

"Then what are we waiting for let's go search out a place and see what we can find maybe she can help us with this as well"

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