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We both stood that for a couple of seconds just staring at each other until he finally walked in and close the door "what are you doing here" he kept walking not saying anything wouldn't answering my question until he was in the middle of the room "I could ask you the same question you're from Piltover aren't you so why are you in the undercity " I could tell he was annoyed but I could care less "that's none of your business why I'm here but I want to know is why are you here you don't seem like the type to not have a plan so you obviously came here for something" I turn to look at him fully

I noticed that he had a scar on his face that cover majority of his left side of his face this was my first time actually been able to look at him fully I noticed that one of his eyes his left eye to be pacific was black and yellow almost an orange it looked mutated

"I don't have to explain anything to you little girl" he was getting even more irritated with me "I have a question for you do you know anything about designs two designs that are missing" he raise an eyebrow at that but give me a deviant smack "and what if I do what are you going to do about it" a smile appeared on my face as I grab my gas mask putting it on "i'm guessing you either have them on you or that they are at your office because nine times out of ten you took them or you had someone take them" I had my hand behind my back I had a sleeping bomb I brought one with me just in case I had my thumb at the trigger so I could just pull it and throw it "you're a smart girl Smaller than you look but what if I do have them on me putting our little gas mask on it doesn't really help if you don't have any bombs" I close my eyes for a minute "you're right but you failed to notice" I pulled the trigger and threw it between us "I always keep a sleeping bomb on me"

my voice was sweet as he started to cough I had my head up as he fell to his knees I remember to grab the strong stuff mostly known as we filled this fucking bomb to the limit half of the time going past it after a few seconds he finally passed out the bomb was still going off so I didn't takeoff my mask I went towards him and flipped him over so he was laying on his back I opened up his jacket and started to look through his pockets for the designs or looking for a hint to where they could be at but what I found instead shook me down to my core it was in his right pocket in his jacket it was a picture I started to shake as I looked at the picture then back at Silco I looked back-and-forth a couple of times I saw a beam nearby I helped him set up with the help with the beam as I went to the other side of the room I climbed up on one of the beams The same one I sat on him when I found out the information about my father so I close kept looking at the picture them back at him the only thought that came to my mind was 'is this a joke why does he have this'


I had my knees up to my chest it was early in the afternoon and I was still staring at the picture the sleeping gas was all gone by now I had my gas mask off for an hour now I started to hear coughing and notice he starting to wake up he looked around probably to see if I was still here "I'll give her this she's a smart girl" he stood up and dust himself off "thanks for that" he looked at my dresser to see me sitting on a beam "You're still here" I think he noticed that I had the picture because he try to look for it in his pocket "yeah this caught my attention" I held up the picture so he could see it  

my voice was weak I was on the verge of crying so it was getting weaker he was about to say something before I jumped down and went towards him "I want you to explain this" I held up the picture to his face I could tell that I had tears pricking the corners of my eyes "explain what I don't have to explain anything to you girly" I could tell he was mad and try to take the picture back but I pulled it away "I need you to explain why you have this" I tried my hardest not to cry "why should I explain it" I finally snapped and yelled "because this is a picture of me and my mother explain what you have it" I was shaking I noticed that his face went into complete shock

"what's your name and how old are you" that caught me off guard I looked at him confused but told him my name and age "i'm 19 and my name is (y/n)"  his expression went soft a little he looked down at the ground "are you gonna explain to me why are you have this picture" I was trying so hard not to cry in that moment a part of me knew why he had it "it's was the last thing I have of mine" I cut him off before he could finish

I knew what he was going to say "your family isn't it" I looked away from him but I could tell he was looking at me "yeah that was my wife and my daughter" I was still shaking I felt like I was going to fall "you look so much like your mother other than your hair and eyes" I finally broke I fell down to my knees crying but before I could hit the ground I felt his arms wrapped around me catching me "I thought you were dead they told us that you died why didn't you come back" my head was buried into his chest he was trying to calm me down "i'm so sorry I didn't come back for you or your mother I wanted to but I had to make a safer place much safer for you and your mother I wanted you guys to move in with me at a new place that was safer than this one once I had everything ready the attack on the bridge happen and I was told that you and your mother was gone forever"

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