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I started to wake up at the sound of water running I started to toss and turn a little I heard the water turn off and I started to sit up using my elbows to balance me

"well good morningI don't have to wake you up this time" I heard the lovely voice of my fiancé as I sat up straight and started to rub the sleepiness out of my eyes "yeah I guess I'm just excited for today" (y/n) started to get her clothes out of the drawers to get ready for the day "I can tell we have time before anyone need to get up or we need to leave" I got up out of the bed and made my way over to the bathroom "yeah you're right I'm gonna jump in the shower I see you have already"

After I was finished my shower I got dressed and let (y/n) do my hair after we were done getting ready we went downstairs to get something to eat before we have to leave  I already saw Vi, Caitlyn and Ekko sitting at the table we talked a few minutes until Eric came in and (y/n) said her goodbyes and left leaving us four alone after we were finished eating we got up and decided to head to the store to pick out dresses

Ekko and Vi made it crystal clear to me and Caitlyn that they're wearing suits which I don't have a problem with me and (y/n) have already discussed this so it was all right

Once we got to the boutique we saw a young lady sitting at the counter we asked where we can try on some wedding dresses and she let us over Caitlyn said that she got it from here and went to go pick out some dresses

"I guess after this we need to head to the suit shop for you two"

we were sitting down in some chairs as Caitlyn came back with a few dresses for me to try I tried the first one on and I didn't really like and we did tell them that it will be in a snowy area where we met Caitlyn at

It took a few hours but we finally found one that I liked it was a white dress with sleeves that went off the shoulders at the bottom of the dress it was different colors blue purple and a goldish color it  reminded me of the smoke from our glitter bombs or a smoke bombs to be Pacific it reminded me of the day that me and (y/n) create our first bombs together they were glitter bombs it remind me of that and I really enjoyed it

Caylan found a nice navy blue dress that went down all and the sleeves went to her elbows the top had a nice pattern on it and I really liked it

we got change back into our regular clothes and bought the dresses and went to get Ekko and Vi's suits

"ok so we need is our guys suits and then we should be done for today" we walked a long getting to the shop we needed we were about five minutes away "yep and that should do it with that next thing is something you and
(y/n) need to do" I gave Caitlyn a nod as we got closer to the store "what all do you guys have left to do we don't really have weddings in the undercity so this is all new to us" Caitlyn looked at Vi to see if she was telling the truth which I knew she was "yeah we don't have them down there We have read about them though and books and stories but all we have to do now is the plating food The silverware glasses beverages where we want everything and the invitations and then the day and time"

we got to our detonation I opened the door and let them inside Ekko and Vi started to look around for what they needed I told Caitlyn to go with Vi as I went with Ekko

Me and Ekko was on the other side of the store Ekko kept trying to get a green suit but I shook my head no

"Pew why can't I get a green one" I looked at him and smile as I pulled out a blue suit that I think would fit him "well I read that it's common for the best man to match colors with who they are standing by and I was thinking since I want you to be my best man you could wear something blue you know" I sent him a smile as I saw his jaw drop open with a shock expression "you want me to be your what now" I smiled again and put the suit up so I can see if he would look good in it "my best man you've been my best friend since I was a little kid so I was hoping that you could stand beside me on that day I was thinking that Vi could walk me down the aisle and you can stand next to me" Ekko got the suit from me and put it down and gave me a big hug "I would be happy to" I gave him a hug back  I pulled away and handed him the suit "last go try that on I want to see how you look at it"

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