first day (2)

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"You look constipated," whispered Jeongwoo's long-time friend, Junghwan, who came and sat in the vacant seat next to him. "What's with you?"

"Was the first part even necessary, Junghwan-ah?" The older boy frowned at the younger Iksan native before focusing back onto his attention on the botched cat he was drawing in his notebook; although it kinda looked like a turtle.

"Absolutely, now answer my question." Junghwan poked older male.

"Fine, I'll tell you!" The tanned boy shut his notebook and glanced around the noisy classroom before resting his hands on his face, "It's about my neighbor, he-"

"Please, hyung, can you talk about something else for like, I don't know, two minutes?" Junghwan complained.

"But you don't understaaaand! My mom keeps on trying to force me to be nice to him like, he sooooo rude! Even the first time we met, I could tell I wouldn't like him."

"Ai, that's a bit judgy of you." Junghwan commented.

"Yeah, yeah, I know that -" Jeongwoo's rant was interrupted when the classroom door swung open. He watched as Doyoung stepped into the room with his bag hung messily around his shoulder.

"Oh, it's Dobby hyung, and it looks like he brought someone." Junghwan spoke, strangely enough narrating his thoughts outloud.

Jeongwoo almost yelled when he saw the familiar face step into the classroom. What the heck!! Why was Haruto in his school? And why the heck was Doyoung walking said boy towards their seats?! Jeongwoo couldn't take all the very obvious unanswered questions and decided to somehow tuck his large frame underneath his desk like when a cat tries to stuff its fluffy body in a cup.

"Hyung, why are you hiding?" Junghwan inquired the older Iksan boy, confusion showing all across his heavenly features (I'm a hwanie bias, can you blame me?).

"That's who I've been talking about!!" Jeongwoo shooed the confused 05' liner from his desk as the Doyoung and Haruto made it over to the pair.

"Junghwanie, this is Haruto, the new kid." Doyoung promptly introduced, Haruto smiled as the mentioned boy gave him a polite bow, and Haruto was quick to return the gesture.

"Nice to meet you, Haruto-ssi. i hope we can get along well." The Japanese boy just let out a quick 'me too' before turning to where Doyoung was pointing.

"And that's Jeong-- Wait, where's Jeongwoo?" Junghwan snorted as he pointed towards the desk where the older Iksan boy unsuccessfully hid himself.

'Jeongwoo *jungwoo* is a totally common korean name. That could be anyone.' Haruto mentally consoled himself as he watched the weird guy under the desk in horror.

"Hi.. again." The Iksan said awkwardly. Oh, great. Of course, it was him, again.


"Oh, so you guys are neighbors too.. Seems to be fate then, right?" Doyoung attempted to lighten the mood, but there was no saving it.

Haruto was seated one chair away from Jeongwoo and Doyoung. Unfortunately, smack dab in the middle of the two with Junghwan in front of him. How did this happen? The very late Mrs. Kim came back to the classroom and forced them all to sit down, and to think being a teacher for four years, she'd know when a student isn'tin her class.

"Cool," the oldest of the four quietly accepted his fate.

"Psst-" Haruto was confused when he looked over to see his neighbor trying to steal his attention.

"Psst, hey!"

"..what?" growing annoyed, the Japanese boy finally answered the persistent younger boy.

"Don't think i'm following you, okay? I was here first. In fact, maybe it's the other way around.." The korean whispered.

"As if I'd follow you." Haruto rolled his eyes, turning his head back to the teacher to ignore the younger guy. Jeongwoo did the same when he realized the older wouldn't talk to him anymore.

But even though Jeongwoo was nosey and annoying as heck, it made the slightly taller boy kind of happy that there were so many familiar faces in his class with him.

And maybe he kind of forgot that he has five other classes to go to, who knows.

[Note: I am so out of it today but I wanted to update the people who are actually reading this because I put alot of effort into making this fic and I appreciate those who take their time to read it. Thank you!! u hope you can be patient and wait a little bit for me. i love u <3]

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