not so datey-date

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Haruto's brain had barely registered that they were currently walking with their hands intertwined when Jeongwoo suddenly squeezed them together, "Where are you taking me?" He asked suspiciously.

"I told you earlier that we were going to the park.." Haruto reassured quickly, which made the younger boy get quiet - only for a minute, though.

"What kinda park?" The Korean boy giddily asked while swinging their hands like some sort of child.

"Theme park." He responded shortly, trying his best not to offend Jeongwoo in any sort of way because he's pretty sure he can't handle it if the dummy is upset. Or maybe he just doesn't want to see him upset.

Jeongwoo opened his mouth like he was gonna say something, but then just looked away and nodded. Haruto silently thanked the heavens that Jeongwoo was finally done with his questions until - "Isn't the nearest theme park sort of far?"

"That's why we're taking a bus, Jeongwoo," Speaking of buses, they finally made it to the stop, and Haruto sat down, looking not physically but mentally exhausted. He's pretty sure he's not meant to speak that much.

Jeongwoo sat next to him, that same mischievous look on his face, and Haruto seriously hoped that by the time the bus came, he would be too tired to ask questions. "So..."

The Japanese boy rolled his eyes because here we went again. He wasn't sure when this talkative brat dug his way into his heart, but he definitely was not having it. "Goodness, Jeongwoo, what is it?"

"Chill, this is my last one, I swear." Haruto bit his lips and shrugged his shoulders and then nodded, opting him to ask his "final" question.

Jeongwoo stared through him with his stupidly pretty brown cat eyes and gave his best and most cockiest grin, "Is this a date?"

And Haruto's brain might've short-circated, like actually short-circuited. He silently hoped that Jeongwoo couldn't feel the sweat seeping from his palms because that would be a disaster.

Haruto's voice came out a little shakier than he wanted it to, "Uh...I guess you could say that-" He stuttered, digging in his pocket to hopefully find something to divert his crush's attention.

Ignoring Jeongwoo's cocky grin, he pulled his phone and wired earphones from his pocket, "Wanna listen to some music?"

"Dude, yes." The younger boy cheered when he finally found some form of entertainment. Haruto blushed when Jeongwoo began to trace over the indents of his fingers, never failing to notice how much bigger the Korean's hand was compared to his.

He plugged in the headphones and passed one to Jeongwoo, playing his favorite playlist. He shut his eyes, blush spreading on his cheeks as he realized how much closer Jeongwoo needed to scoot to him, and when he finally built the courage to open them back up, he saw Jeongwoo's dumb eyes widening for some reason.

"Woah. I didn't expect you to listen to rap."

Haruto snorted, "What did you think I listened to?"

"I dunno, Ballads, Rock, anything emo honestly."

Haruto slapped Jeongwoo's arm, "I'm not an emo, dummy. I listen to Bubble Pop, too!"

"I really can't imagine that one!" Jeongwoo said, chuckling loudly like a hyena, and Haruto wanted to punch him so badly.

"Wait... one more question." Jeongwoo managed in between giggles, and Haruto's stomach felt weird when their knees touched together.

"Didn't you say that about the last one?" Jeongwoo pouted, begging the latter for one more question, and Haruto rolled his eyes, allowing him one more question.

"I saw all those boxes from your room, and the keyboard... If you don't mind me asking, what exactly was that letter about?"

Haruto hesitated, confused as to what Jeongwoo was blabbering about when he finally remembered. "Ah. Do you mean that?" His heart slightly clenched thinking about it.

Jeongwoo suddenly panicked, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want-"

"I'm in a band, well, I was in a band when I lived in my home country. Then my friend sent it to me. It's lyrics... they wanted me to finish the song."

Jeongwoo's eyes sparkled like a five year old, "Haruto what? That's awesome! I knew there was something suspicious about all those boxes you haven't unpacked."

"Hey, maybe I can help! I don't know how to write lyrics, but I can play guitar... well it's acoustic... but-"

"No, just forget it. I quit music anyway." Haruto grimaced, and Jeongwoo raised a brow in shock,

"Look, the bus is here." The Japanese boy dropped Jeongwoo's hand and stood to pay the bus fare, trying to zone out Jeongwoo's voice.

"Geez... That's the last time I ask an emo boy questions." Haruto heard him say, and he rolled his eyes once again and climbed aboard the bus.

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