hand holding agenda

190 11 2

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Haruto sighs, unable to stop thinking about what his stupidly sincere neighbor told him before running off back into his house like an idiot.

He really didn't expect Jeongwoo to sound like his mom at that time because what was that even about? He was pretty sure Jeongwoo enjoyed their little 'date'.

That's when he remembers.

Just before, Jeongwoo was asking him about music. Haruto sits up on his bed, hesitantly glancing at the unpacked boxes in the corner of his room.

He stands up and walks over to his dresser, the crumbled piece of paper the same place that he left it when they moved in.

He untroubled it, the familiar handwriting jumping out at him like a thorn.

Half written lyrics.

Haruto smiles, flipping the paper over and scribbling down a few lyrics to the half-written song, thinking about how excited Jeongwoo would be to hear it.


Haruto knew school that following Monday would be awkward, but not this awkward.

He had just barely survived the walk to school - Jeongwoo still being completely immersed by his hand-holding agenda. It was like he was completely oblivious to the shy looks, faint blushes...



I mean, all the signs for a teenager that was as outta touch with their emotions as Haruto was.

But anyway, they were there now. Standing stifly outside the school gate, hands still very much interlocked.

And goodness, Haruto was so embarrassed. He was sure his face was so red.


"Let's go?" Jeongwoo suddenly says, giving him a look he just can't decipher and - what is that smile for?

And Haruto thinks he's blushing. No, he knows he is blushing.

It's as if Jeongwoo doesn't even bat an eye at all the noises from confused or worse - knowing students when they walk in like... that.

Holding hands. Still.

And maybe Haruto's just a loser or something, but he thinks that it's a big deal. Like, maybe there's a chance that he makes Jeongwoo feel the way he makes him feel.

"Hyung?" Junghwan calls, his face shocked as he watches Haruto being pulled into the classroom behind Jeongwoo, and as soon as the Japanese sees that smirk growing Doyoung's face, he wants to cringe. So bad.

"Are you guys..." Junghwan looks between them, sees Haruto's red face, and probably makes his conclusion by then. "Oh."

And then Haruto literally glitches for a second and drops Jeongwoo's terribly warm hand - with regrets - and his neighbor just chuckles like the gremlin he is.

"I guess we are." Haruto hears Jeongwoo say, and he just plops himself into his seat, trying his best to ignore the situation. He just digs through his bag when he feels everyone staring at him. "What?"

Junghwan just shrugs, and Doyoung gives him a thumbs up, and Haruto wants to melt right then and there.

Meanwhile, Jeongwoo just takes out his work from his backpack, sitting in his usual spot and completely missing the looks tossed his way.

Haruto didn't know if he was glad or disappointed.

Jeongwoo was so oblivious.

Or he was just dumb.

Could be both.

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