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"There was absolutely nothing special about Park Jeongwoo." Haruto mutters to himself, perched over the sink. "Absolutely nothing," He repeats, trying to convince his mind - which didn't work at all. It wasn't true anyway. The teenager sighs, throwing some water on his face, frustrated at how his mind keeps slowly picturing Jeongwoo and the things he does that Haruto freaking unknowingly mimics.

Like the way his eyebrows crease when he's confused about something Haruto says or the way he picks off a strand of his own hair and knots around his fingers. But the one Haruto absolutely loathes the way he picks up on Jeongwoo's speaking.

"Hurry up there, Airi needs to get ready for school as well!" Haruto's mom scolds, and Haruto flinches back into reality, realizing that he'd been actively daydreaming about his neighbor, and he physically gags.

Haruto replies with a quick apology, grabbing a brush and aggressively brushing his hair to the side. He shakes his head and gathers it to the other side. Then he tries a side part, and it makes him want to throw the brush into the mirror because it looks like he's trying to impress someone when he's definitely not!

In the end, the Japanese boy leaves the bathroom with his usual bangs, and Airi and his mother give him a look because Haruto is never one to worry about looks.

"What took you so long?" His mother asks, and Haruto shrugs his shoulders, grabbing for his bag that he'd conveniently left outside the door.

"I had to poop." His mom glares slightly, and he just gives her a silly grin, causing them both to start laughing.


"Hi, Jihoon-hyung, um.. is Jeongwoo there?" He asks, wanting to slap himself for staggering in between sentences. Jeongwoo's older brother offers up one of his apologetic eye smiles, and Haruto thinks he knows what that means already.

"Sorry, he left with a few friends earlier. I guess he thought you left without him as well." Haruto tries not to let his smile fade, and Jihoon curves his hands around the door frame, "I'll tell him he missed you-"

Haruto shakes his head aggressively, "No," He says shyly, "Please, don't."

Jihoon tilts his head to the side, confused, and Haruto thinks that he's just like his brother for a second. "Why not? I'm sure he'd want to know."

"It's okay! I'll see him at school so.." Haruto explains, waving his hands in the air dismissively, hoping silently that Jihoon doesn't notice how embarrassingly red his face was.

"Thanks anyways, Jihoon-hyung," Haruto mumbles, trying his best to ignore the teasing look on the college student's face.

"Hey, Watanabe!" Jihoon calls before Haruto can walk off, and Haruto just wants the ground to swallow him when the older gives him a thumbs up, mouthing something that was strangely close to "I support you two."


"Where were you this morning?" Haruto startles when Jeongwoo suddenly speaks. He looks around, noticing that the classroom where he was sleeping was now empty.

Haruto averts his eyes, "What do you mean?" He mutters, hiding his puffy face, "You're the one who didn't wait."

Jeongwoo smacks his lips, thinking for a second, "Are you mad at me again?" Haruto stays quiet. "You're mad at me." Jeongwoo concludes, sounding like he's mid-pout, and Haruto can't help but look back at the boy to confirm it. Jeongwoo was pouting.

There's a few seconds of silence between the two.

Then, "Do you still want to be my friend, Haruto?" Jeongwoo asks, and Haruto fidgets with his pencil case that's on his desk.

"I don't."

Haruto nods, "I do." And Jeongwoo's got a cocky grin on his face.

"I knew it!" The tanned boy chuckles, throwing his head back, and he looks back at Haruto with that same silly grin he's always wearing. "I knew you liked me."

"You have no idea.." Haruto says under his breath, sighs, and pushes his things into his bag to catch up with Jeongwoo.

[Confess already, i'm getting tired of writing yall like this *eyeroll*. Thank you, guys, for reading! I'll be updating again soon!<3]

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