gaming is hard but crushes r harder

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Haruto doesn't know much about games. All he knows is what Junghwan told him, and It was embarrassing.

"Jeongwoo likes the rpg ones." Junghwan had explained over the phone a few days before.

"Rpg?" Haruto blinks, clueless. He takes a peek at a random aisle until he sees the games sorted rpg. Haruto would've asked the store clerk, but he was painfully antisocial, and it probably would've been even more awkward, considering he had no idea what he was looking at.

Haruto grabbed a random game from the shelf and dug up whatever he had left in his wallet to pay for it while simultaneously thinking that if Park Jeongwoo wasn't grateful he was spending his allowance on him, he'd have to forget about this whole "crush" thing and probably break down because he was so, so very whipped.

Haruto got home in the afternoon, slipped out of his hoodie and plops onto his bed, and then stared - more like glares at the game in its packaging.

"Jeongwoo likes this sort of thing?" He sighs, skimming the object. It was dark looking in its case, the title being splayed out boldly in contrast. Haruto wasn't even able to read it, nor was he sure how to play it. He didn't even have a console. Gosh. Everything seemed like it was five times harder when he had to think of Jeongwoo, not only as a friend and the guy he likes.

Liking people is so complicated.


"No way you got this!" Haruto flinches when at Jeongwoo's screech. They were currently sitting on the carpeted floor of Jeongwoo's bedroom when Haruto finally contemplated with himself to unzip his bag and take out the game.

"Yeah... I got it for you-" Haruto looks away bashfully. "Or whatever..."

"Really?" Jeongwoo's eyes go wide, and then he smiles, front teeth and all.

"How'd you know I liked this one?" He speaks again. Haruto guesses he was lucky.

"I didn't..." He shrugs, and Jeongwoo gives him a look he can't possibly decipher. "What?"

"Wanna watch me play?" Haruto yanks on the thread in the carpet, shyly nodding and blushing like a maniac.


Haruto was painstakingly horrific at games, and to put the topping on the cake, it was a horror game.
It made his skin crawl, and he was barely able to stomach the fact that the whole objective was to not be eaten by the enemies.

One part of him hopelessly wished to impress Jeongwoo with his gaming skills, which would probably only happen if they were playing one of those easy puzzle games for a child.

Besides, Jeongwoo wasn't into that. And he was way too scared to even try to play whatever the hell the tanned boy was playing.

Haruto glanced over to the younger guy whose eyes were focused on the screen. He's hardly ever had time to just stare - more like admire - the almost unnoticeable moles on Jeongwoo's cheek or the small piercings on his ears. Park Jeongwoo in earrings? Haruto wanted to see that.

How did he never notice the hazel brown color of the shorter guy's irises-

"Are you scared?" Haruto flinches back into reality when Jeongwoo's teasing voice comes out of nowhere.

"No," Haruto says as he tries his best not to blush, "...I'm not."

Jeongwoo smiles even harder, and Haruto rolls his eyes. He knows where this is going as soon as his neighbor leans closer with his usual annoying grin. "Then why are you clinging onto my arm?"

Haruto rips his eyes away from Jeongwoo's face when he notices his hands are actually wrapped around the younger's fore-arm. He snatches it away before the younger can even gather in his mind something stupid to say.

"No I wasn't!"

"Liar." Jeongwoo snickers as he points at Haruto's "People always look to the side when they're lying."

Haruto breathes in and shakes his head. "Well I'm not scared so-"

"You're doing it again!" The younger boy says as he pats the Japanese boy's cheeks, smiling like a five year old that just got his favorite candy.

Haruto doesn't know what to do at that moment. He honestly wanted to scream because his plan wasn't working, and his "crush" was absolutely unbearable. Wasn't he supposed to be making Jeongwoo flustered by now?

If only he had been as bold as Jeongwoo's brother claimed to be when pursuing someone.

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