you make me feel special.

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It was a peaceful night. That’s until a screech coming from Haruto’s room nearly woke up the whole Watanabe family.

“Jeongwoo- What the hell!” Haruto lets out a silent scream, beating Jeongwoo over the head with his pillow as the younger boy crawls through his window.

“Geeze! Can you go a day without hurting me, ruto-ya!” The younger playfully cries, grabbing Haruto’s arms to stop him from swinging the darn thing.

“Explain what you're doing crawling through my window - geeze,” Haruto pauses to help Jeongwoo somehow weasel in the rest of his big body. “It’s 11PM, man, we have school tomorrow.”

Jeongwoo pants, looking around the familiar room. “I… I couldn’t sleep without knowing.”

Haruto blushes when Jeongwoo walks towards him, plopping onto his bed with — is he wearing Spiderman pajamas? The older snorts and then laughs.

“Loser.” He chuckles silently and sits beside the younger. “Knowing what?”



“Haruto, will you date me?”

Haruto blinks, looking at Jeongwoo with his eyes blown all wide.

“Do you want-” Jeongwoo looks away again, his arm raising up to caress his nape, “Do you want to date me?”

Haruto coughs, but this time he doesn’t hide his blushing face from the latter, “I guess I kinda have to… since we.. earlier.”

“We kissed?” He punches Jeongwoo’s arm.

“Shut up.” And surprisingly enough, Jeongwoo sort of shuts up.

But not for long.

“Can we do it again? On the lips?” And Jeongwoo’s face meets the pillow once again.

“Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!” Jeongwoo groans when Haruto doesn’t stop, so he grabs the older boy's arms.

“Come on, Ruto-ya, kiss your boyfriend.” Jeongwoo teases with that big goofy smile, settling next to Haruto on the bed.

Haruto rolls his eyes when Jeongwoo lets go of him, and he wraps his arms around Jeongwoo’s shoulders.

“Stupid.” The older boy whispers, his voice making his insult sound strangely affectionate. Jeongwoo laughs slightly, looking goofy in his Spiderman pajamas.

There’s a comfortable silence between them, Haruto thinks for a second that maybe he should lock his room door because the peak embarrassment he'd get from having to explain to his parents why he and Jeongwoo were cuddling on a school night was just a bro thing.

But then again, not that he could hide the fact that they were boyfriends anyway.

Haruto closed his eyes momentarily, enjoying the silence that his dark room brought -

“You think we can get married—”

“Go to sleep already.” Haruto groans, grabs his pillow, and sleepily smacks Jeongwoo with it, causing the younger to roll off of the bed.

Though they were hella chaotic and two polar opposites, something deep inside Haruto hoped that they'd last long.

Because when he was with Jeongwoo, he felt different.

He felt special.

(“Did you see that!” Mrs Watanabe patted her husband excitedly on the shoulder as she snapped yet another photo. “Mother's intuition always works!” Mr. Watanabe shook his head at his wife before closing their son's room door back. Let’s let them sleep in today.)

✰ END ✰

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