every kiss matters

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The walk to school began off normal. Nothing but silence remained between them. But the silence was comfortable.

Except it wasn’t this time. I was not fine. Jeongwoo was not fine.

He could barely fathom what Haruto might think of him. Haruto wore his usual aloof expression that he always wore, like he had not a care in the world. But all Jeongwoo could think about is the fact that he wanted to kiss his neighbor.

Kissing Haruto. Jeongwoo felt his face warming up at just the thought of it. He knew he couldn’t do something like that.

“You’re weird.” Jeingwoo suddenly hears his neighbor say. He looked over his shoulder to Haruto, who was walking with his hands in his pocket, those big brown eyes looking directly at him.

Jeongwoo felt his heart bristling away by the second.

“Weird.” Haruto says again, and Jeongwoo sees what looks like a smile? He doesn’t know, but Haruto doesn’t smile at him much. But when he does - don’t get him started.

And then he hears Haruto’s annoyed voice again. His gaze flickers over at the glare his neighbor sends to him.

“Huh?” He says, trying not to have a voice crack because that would kind of suck. “What did you say?”

“You would know if…” Haruto pauses and finishes the rest under his breath, and Jeongwoo slows down a bit, so he's walking directly next to the taller one.

“If? Know what? I can’t hear a word you’re saying.”

“Forget it.” Haruto says to him, and Jeongwoo tilts his head and blinks blankly.

“Forget it?”

“Forget it.” Haruto mimics, shrugging his shoulders, and Jeongwoo thinks he might have a melt down.

It was way too early in the morning for teen angst.

But anyway, Jeongwoo sniffed himself to make sure the cologne didn’t wear off because that would be a huge waste and shuffled closer to Haruto, reaching for his hand when suddenly-

"You don’t listen well.” The Japanese boy suddenly said, and Jeongwoo’s heart picked up when he noticed the tall boy standing in front of him, giving him a full view of his perfect face.

Haruto’s hair was different again, not his careless head of black hair. Did he get it trimmed? Maybe. Jeongwoo thought he was kind of pathetic, noticing these small things.

“What did I do?”

The emo boy frowns, “You don’t listen.” He repeats, and Jeongwoo opens his mouth to protest when he feels an aggressive jab across his cheek. It takes him a second to process that it was Haruto’s lips that touched his face.

Haruto kissed — more like a nudge —  him on the cheek. Jeongwoo’s whole body goes stiff. It was just a quick little peck, but he could already feel his skin heating up.

“I-” He babbles for words, but nothing comes out.

And Haruto’s red in front of him, too.

“You just,” He snorts at the ticklish feeling inside his stomach and looks at Haruto as if his whole world is in front of him. “Did you just kiss me?”

“W-we will be late for class.”

“Haru-” And he was gone. Well, Jeongwoo can still see him speed walking towards the direction they’re both going.

Jeongwoo smiles and touches his cheek, “Yeah,” He snorts, “Late.”

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