love advice (2)

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The moment Haruto realized he was in too deep was when he found himself at the Parks', shoulders awkwardly squared, and his hair maybe a little too neat to be considered normal. (He's trying to make a good impression, okay?)

A few moments after Haruto gathered up the courage to actually knock on the door, Jeongwoo the one that swings it open, looking extremely drowsy and so handsome with his messy hair and casual white shirt and sweats that the Japanese boy almost wishes he came to see him today.

The short gasp that escapes Jeongwoo's lips causes Haruto to snap out of his thoughts, catching the surprised look on his neighbor's face

"Ruto?" Jeongwoo gasps again, hands gliding up to his messy head of hair to fix it quickly. "What are you doing here?"

Haruto averts his gaze, ignoring the way the korean boy follows his eyes so intuitively. "Is Jihoon-hyung there?"

Jeongwoo deadpans. "Did you really come to my house just to ask for someone else-"

"Please, Jeongwoo, it's..." He gulps slightly when the tanned boy looks at him suspiciously. "It's really important."

Jeongwoo folds his arms over his chest and gives the older boy an annoyed look. "You know where his room is?" The tanned boy asks with a pout.

"I do, thanks." Haruto says quickly, getting inside the house to avoid the awkwardness from earlier.

The tall boy makes his way towards Jihoon's room, where he remembers it being. He takes a peek inside when he realizes that the door is wide open.

"Um, Jihoon-hyung?" Haruto stresses with the tiniest voice, and Jihoon, who was laying on his bed cutting up some random pieces of paper - was he into scrapbooks or something?

"Haruto?" Jihoon speaks, a confused look on his face. "Are you lost or something, dude?"

Haruto shakes his head. "No," He fiddles with the hem of his gray hoodie, and Jihoon's eyes follow where Haruto's hands are.

"I was wondering if you could spare me some advice - like, like, advice, y'know?" Haruto explains as he looks up to Jihoon grinning, and oh, does he hate the look of that grin.

"Like advice, huh?"

"...Yes, hyung. Like, have you ever dated someone?" Haruto whispers, voice shaking from embarrassment.

Jihoon cackles at Haruto's tone. "Haruto, I have a boyfriend, if you must know."

Haruto's hands wave defensively, "No hyung- not like that!"

"You want 'like' avice, Haruto, or 'Love' advice."

Haruto's eyes shoot up, and he almost feels his heart leap from his chest. The seventeen year old tilts his head down and feels his voice give out on him.

"Love advice, please, hyung."

Jihoon chuckles once more, pulling a chair from the corner of his somewhat tidy room.

"Well, you might wanna take a seat for this, then." Jeongwoo's older brother says jokingly, and Haruto sits, his face unmistakably red.

"Ask away."

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