math is hard(true)

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It had been a few days since Haruto's first day of school, and he was already drowning in school work. He sat at his desk and let out an exaggerated sigh and then looked back down at his math homework. He almost fainted.

Why are there freaking letters now?

He pushed his hair back in frustration and laid his head on the flat surface but immediately popped back up when he noticed the box next to the table where his keyboard was neatly stored on top.

"Oh." He whispered to himself, grabbing the instrument off the box and placing it in front of him. He hovered his fingers on the keys and pressed down only to be startled by the sound of his bedroom door swinging open.

"Ruto!" Jeongwoo barged in with something in his hand, and Haruto furrowed his brows at the nickname. He sighed before turning his face toward the hyper boy.

"What did you call me?" Jeongwoo lowered his arm and walked into the room, closing the door behind.

"What? You don't get called that at home?" The korean inquired, and Haruto mentally face-palmed before speaking again.

"Even if I did, I don't want you to call me that.." He stated, rolling his eyes back, and Jeongwoo just let out a chuckle.

"Anyways," He grabbed some papers out of his backpack and shoved them in the older boy's face, "Do you know this question? I've been stuck on it.."

"Couldn't you just Google it?" Haruto asked, and Jeongwoo just stared at him and shrugged before moving the paper away from him.

"Well, that's too bad because i haven't even started." Haruto said nonchalantly, dusting some non-existent dust from his desk.

"I could help you!" Jeongwoo said, sounding excited, and Haruto threw his head back with a cackle,

"What?" The korean boy asked.

"I seriously doubt that."

"I'm good at maths, though," Jeongwoo defended, "See?" He said, proudly showing his previously answered questions.

"How would I know if you got it correct?"

"Never mind that, scoot." Jeongwoo took a pencil from his bag, and Haruto got curious. "Fine, help me or something." He consented, handing his homework to the younger.

"I still don't get it." Haruto complained, and Jeongwoo nearly pulled his hair from his scalp.

"It's the first step! Let me explain.. geeze." Haruto nodded as he rested his face on his palm. He did indeed understand the first step, but it was funny to see Jeongwoo's face as he grew impatient. He was also kinda shocked that Jeongwoo explained things so well, so he didn't mind getting on his nerves a bit more.

It was like payback anyway.

[ Note : So tomorrow (basically today) is the day I start school, so I don't know when I can update, so I just made another quickly. I hope u guys enjoyed & try to understand my situation here. BTW, T-MAP IS BACK YALL AHHHHH SLAY!!!! ]

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