you again

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It had only been one full day at school, and Haruto was already practically exhausted.

I mean, who wouldn't be? That's basically eight hours of your life socializing with people you're going to have to spend the rest of your high school year with. And socializing is tiring.

Finally sitting comfortably his bed, the Japanese pulled his phone out and decided to scroll through his webtoon- gosh, he missed being glued to his phone all day.

He almost dozed off when a sudden knock at his door snapped him out of it.

"Come in," Haruto uttered, assuming it was his mom, half lidded eyes still on the screen.

"Hi," Haruto knitted his brows when he heard the voice. He darted his eyes towards the doorway of his room.

"You again?" Haruto's voice was coated in confusion as he stared at the boy.

"I have a name, dude." Jeongwoo annoyingly said, stumping his way towards Haruto's empty desk chair.

"Unbelievable." Haruto clicked his tongue, still casually eyeing the iksan boy who was currently invading his bedroom for the second time.

"What are you doing here, Park Jeongwoo?" The older boy inquired, squinting his eyes at the Korean.

"Well, my mom wanted us to get closer, so I'm here!" Jeongwoo answered, rolling his eyes as if Haruto was supposed to know that fact already.

"But you came in here as if we known each other for years." Haruto stated, focusing his attention back onto his phone.

"You should just get used to seeing me already.." Jeongwoo glanced at the older boy who was just on his phone casually, ignoring him. "Did you even hear me?"

"Geeze, could you lower your volume i'm trying to read." Haruto warned the boy, attempting to completely zone him out. He did not have the patience to deal with his nosy neighbor right now or maybe-ever.

Jeongwoo, being the curious soul he is jumped up and peeked at the older boy's phone. "You read stuff like this?" He asked the obvious, seeing the boy scrolling through a cringey looking romance comic.

"Ay, stare at your own phone." Haruto complained, turning his phone away from Jeongwoo's veiw.

"Mom says having my phone too long will rot my brain."

"Sucks for you." Haruto snorted.

There was a slightly awkward silence between the two before Jeongwoo decided to finally speak again, sitting in his previous spot.

"Why am I the only one putting effort into this?"

"You gotta be kidding me."

Jeongwoo narrowed his eyes, "What's with you? I'm only trying to be your friend!" He exclaimed.

"Really? Because all you really keep doing is bothering me."

"I'm getting to know you, duh."

"Can't you do that by asking questions?"

"Okay then. Let's ask questions." Jeongwoo mumbled. "What year are you born in?"

"Couldn't you assume that I'm around your age?" Haruto said, rolling his eyes back.

"You're being difficult! Fine, what's your favorite color?"

"I like black." Haruto lifted a brow when Jeongwoo laughed out loud. "What?" He asked.

"Wow. Black really fits your emo aestetic." Jeongwoo snickered.

"My- What?"

"Your emo aestetic." He restated.

"Wow, where'd you even get that from."

"Literally, our first meeting, you were being all mysterious and getting mad at me for trying to read some paper. News flash! I didn't understand it anyway!"

"Well, that was not your business!" Jeongwoo was confused when he turned to look at the Japanese's red face.

"Oh, i get it." The iksan boy wiggled his eyebrows, "Is it a letter from your girlfriend, hmm?" Jeongwoo teased.

"I'm not having this conversation with you." Haruto groaned, pretending that he wasn't hella flustered.

Jeongwoo clicked his tongue, "You really suck at answering questions, Haruto."

"Don't you have a mom to get home to?" Haruto dismissed.

"I guess you're right. See you at school!" Jeongwoo said while making his way towards the exit.

"I don't want to!" Haruto shouted before Jeongwoo left out. As soon as he heard the noise of the door shutting, he sunk into his bed, throwing his hands onto his face.

Gosh, why was that Park Jeongwoo so persistent anyway?

[Note: I hope u enjoyed this. I'm not really motivated because of the recent news about mashidam, but I'll still try to update the best I can for those who want more.]

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