love advice (3)

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"Wait, so you mean to tell me, you," Jeongwoo's older brother spins his direction in his swivel chair, and Haruto's pretty sure Jihoon never laughed so hard in his life. "You actually like him?"

Haruto nods hesitantly, and Jihoon throws his head back and laughs even harder. The younger boy squirms in his seat, feeling embarrassed at how Jihoon thinks it is the funniest thing in the world.

"What's so funny?" Haruto asks, a sort of dejected look on his face, and Jihoon probably ignores the annoyance in his voice when his laughter finally dies down.

"No it's just-" Jihoon mumbles and has the nerve to tap Haruto's shoulder as if he wasn't just making fun of him. "How did Jeongwoo manage to get someone to like him. Like, actually?"

Haruto wanted to say I know right.

Sadly, the truth was that Jeongwoo was not hard to like. He was annoying, sure, but he was also funny, kind, smart, and cute. Haruto thought Jeongwoo was fairly handsome, too. Yes, he pulled the H-word, not that he would ever get around to telling him that.

Gosh, just imagine how much he would be teased if Jeongwoo ever found out that he was physically attracted to him. Haruto gags.

"Well," Jihoon gives him a dangerous look, and Haruto for a moment feels like he's making a deal with the devil. "Anything specific you like about him? And you can't say personality!"

Haruto knows that it's one hundred percent a trap, but his mind immediately fills with the thought of Jeongwoo's cute toothy smile, his addicting laugh, healthy looking tanned skin that always seems to have a glow that Haruto can't quite explain.

Those attractive narrow monolid brown eyes that Jeongwoo glares at him with when he tells him to shut up or something.

And don't get him started on those damn broad shoulders.

It was unfair. It was unfair that Haruto could think of so many things he liked about Jeongwoo without even batting an eye.

Jihoon looks at him through his silence and sighs. "Sheesh. You're in deep, man,"

Haruto wishes Jihoon wasn't right.


"So," Haruto flinches when he sees Jeongwoo's silollete crossing his arms, leaning in the doorway where he was about to escape because he's not sure if dying from being too flustered was a thing but it felt like it would happen at any second.

"What did you need to talk to Jihoon-hyung about that was so important?" He asks curiously, and Haruto feels his chest lock up.

What was he supposed to say?

Jeongwoo lifted an eyebrow when Haruto didn't answer.

The younger boy drew out some shaky breaths, looking pissed for some reason. "You could at least tell me, I feel left out now-"

"About the future." Haruto finally spoke.

"Ah," Jeongwoo tugged on his sleeves, and Haruto was relieved to see that stupidly cute smile growing on his face. "So like how you're gonna get married and have a big family. That kind of thing?"

Haruto blushes. "I guess."

And in the span of a second, Jeongwoo is back to sulking. "You could've told me that!"

"Whatever." Haruto says, trying his best to sound unbothered by Jeongwoo's presence, ignoring the loud where are you going! when he finally decides to make a run for it through the door.


Haruto can't stop thinking about what Jihoon told him.

"Maybe you should confess."

Haruto panicked, nearly pulling his hair out that was twisted along his finger.

"Dude, no way! Jeongwoo is like the most oblivious person I know."

"You're actually right. He'd definitely figure out a way to make it seem like you're joking around with him." Jihoon snorts, looking like he's thinking about something.

"Maybe you should do things he likes. That helped me a lot when I was confessing to my boyfriend."

"I don't know what he likes these days, hyung, we always do what I want.." Haruto explains, feeling sort of guilty.

"I'm here for a reason, Ruto!"

Haruto already ruled three things on his list of "Jeongwoo's likes."

He wasn't good at sports, so that was a no. Jihoon also mentioned that Jeongwoo was into debate, like what even was that! Haruto was no good arguer - if that's what that meant.

Haruto crossed yet another thing off his list until there were only three options left.

Gaming, Eating, and Music.

Music? Haruto bit his pen and shifted his eyes back to the word above and circled it in his notebook. He had an idea.

The Japanese boy leaned back on his bed and dialed a number.

"Hello?" So Junghwan answered, sounding like he was eating something, and Haruto smiled.

"Junghwan-ah," Haruto paused and ripped out a piece of paper from his notepad when Junghwan hummed, "What games does Jeongwoo like?"

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