melting (2)

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TW: KISS (not a very good one either).

"What did you want to say?" Jeongwoo's heart picked up the moment he heard the taller voice. Haruto was effortlessly handsome, from the way his pretty lips were the perfect shape and parted slightly, matching the color of his cheeks, up to his dark hair that shaped his face.

How could he confess this without making a total fool of himself?

Jeongwoo huffed, unable to look at Haruto's expecting eyes. "I-" He didn't know if he could do this.

He looked away for a moment, "Haruto... I,"

"I like you." Jeongwoo's eyes snapped to Haruto's face when he heard those words escape his lips.


"I said I like you, Jeongwoo. Like, like, like you." I took Jeongwoo a moment to process.

No. It still hadn't been processed. Jeongwoo's mind just couldn't believe it. On one hand, this is all real: Haruto likes him back.

Even that had a funny ring to it.

Or maybe he was having a really long elaborate dream-

His thoughts slip away when he feels a tug on his blazer and without a doubt - he's pulled harshly against Haruto's soft yet tightly locked lips.

And maybe this isn't how a kiss is supposed to work, not that Jeongwoo cared.

He doesn't know whether it's good or bad. All he knows is that Haruto's warm breath is on his face, and his fist is digging into his chest - painfully. Jeongwoo couldn't help but smile against Haruto's lips as his hands dropped to the taller guy's waist.

It didn't matter what it felt like, as long as it was with Haruto.

Not even a second after, Haruto pulls away, and Jeongwoo just notices how his eyes were shut and his face was scrunched. Cute.

Jeongwoo touches his numb lips and assumes Haruto had done the same when he hears a small gasp.

"Was that‐" Haruto takes a second to wipe his face, and Jeongwoo snorts at his red ears. "Is that a yes?"

Jeongwoo nods and smiles at the dumbfounded look on the emo boy's face.

"Yes as in-"

"Yes I like you too,"

"You like me too."

"I like you too, Haruto." Jeongwoo says again, loving the way Haruto seemed to blush at his words - he wasn't the only one.


Jeongwoo gives him a confused look. "Okay?"


He shrugs his shoulders, and pauses when he feels Haruto kiss the crown of his head - to which he responds with a giggle and a short smack against his neighbor's bottom lip - and Haruto shoves him aggressively for that one.

"Hey!" He shouts, and Haruto's doing his signature speed walk again. "That's unfair, Haruto!" Jeongwoo laughs as he tries to catch up with the older boy.

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