Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I grab my cell phone and call Stephanie. In less than fifteen minutes, Stephanie and I are sitting on my bed in our pajamas.

"I need your help," I say.

"What happened?"

I hand Stephanie the letter. Her emotions vary while reading it. Once she finishes, she stares at me with curious eyes.

"I don't know what to do," I add.

"How are you feeling about him?"

"I don't know. I mean, I want to help him, but then again, what he's done is unforgivable."

"You're right. And all the stuff he said in the letter is accurate."

"How do you know?"

"I basically grew up with those boys. We went to the same school and I saw them all the time because we lived in the same neighborhood. If anything was out of the ordinary, everyone in the neighborhood knew about it."

"Wow," I respond.

"Are you going to talk to him?"


"I think you should. Now that the truth is on the table, maybe you two can have a serious talk about your feelings."

"I don't have any feelings for him anymore."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" I yell.

"Oh...Okay," she says with a suspicious look.

"I'm serious Stephanie, I'm done with him. He doesn't deserve anything from me because he treated me like I was nothing. A sad letter with an apology is not going to win me back."

"Then what will?"

"Nothing," I say forcefully.

"I think you should give him another chance."


"Niall is right that when he was with me, my family and I changed him into a better person. I was afraid when I heard we were taking in Niall because I didn't want his bad influence in my home, but we helped him to stop his terrible ways."

"True, but one little party switched him right back. Who says that can't happen again?"

"You're right," she sighs.

A long moment of silence.

"WAIT!" I gasp and jump back on the bed.

"What?! Emily?! What is it?! What happened?!"

"How did my car get back in the student parking lot?!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"I left my car at the hospital last night because I walked home! I never went back and got it!"

"" Stephanie says.

"After school today, I went to the student parking lot and just drove home like nothing was wrong, but my car shouldn't have been there!"

"How did you get to school this morning?"

"I took a taxi!"

"My head is spinning," Stephanie says.

"I'm freaking out!" I say as I leap off my bed, "Lately, I've been going crazy!"

"Okay, calm down. We can figure this out."

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