6. Discharged

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Two days after Jungkook had first woken up and realized that he had switched bodies with Kim Taehyung, he was allowed to be discharged from the hospital. They kept a twenty-four hour watch on his hospital room for the last two days to make sure that he stayed in his room and confined to his bed unless absolutely necessary. Between visits from the doctor and nurses, he had visits from Jimin and Hobi. He discovered that those were supposed to be his best friends and songwriting partners. Whenever they visited, they tried to help him remember things since they were worried he had amnesia. It was hard for Jungkook to focus on anything they were saying though as his mind was focused on other things. He kept thinking about his own coma riddled body and Laylin. He worried about Laylin the most.

Jimin and Hobi were there as Jungkook stood at the nurse's station getting discharged. They had picked - what Jungkook felt - to be the swankiest clothes possible for a hospital for him to wear home. Jungkook currently had on a pair of black sneakers that looked like they were brand new, and a pair of black jeans that felt like they were getting more intimate than they needed to be with his nether regions. The white t-shirt that he'd been given to put on looked like it barely had any material used to make it as it was clearly see through, and the brown leather jacket that he wore over it kept squeaking every time he moved to sign his name to something.

"I'm sorry..." said Jungkook as he found himself starting his own name before hastily scribbling it out. "Can I have a new form?"

"This is the fifth time, Tae!" groaned Jimin beside him. "Are you trying to kill a tree?"

"Jimin, how about you keep your voice down and be more considerate since we're standing in a hospital?" asked Hobi.

"I said kill a tree!" stated Jimin as he looked at Hobi. "There aren't any trees in this hospital."

"You don't know that there isn't someone named that nearby listening to you and thinking that you just said someone was going to kill them."

"Oh, I'm not allowed to use the four letter k word that rhymes with ill, but you are?"

Jungkook sighed as the nurse looked past him at the two squabbling young men. Jungkook didn't know how Taehyung dealt with them if they were like this all the time. He picked up the pen in his hand and tried to write Kim Taehyung's name on the line. Until he figured out what was going on, he'd have to play the part. If not, he knew that they would keep him sedated and locked up in this hospital like a prisoner. That would get him no where.

Though it seemed like going home with these two idiots wouldn't get him very far either.

"I'm done," said Jungkook, trying to get the two behind him to stop bickering as he handed the form back to the nurse.

"Great," said Hobi, who now seemed beyond irritated. "The car is waiting for us outside."

"I'll meet you both down there," said Jungkook. "There's just one place I'd like to stop first."

Hobi and Jimin exchanged a look, but Jungkook held up a hand before either of them could say anything.

"And I'd like to go alone," he added. "I'll make it as quick as possible."

He didn't wait for either of them to respond, walking past them on his way down the halls. Even though he was medically cleared to leave, he still felt ill as he made his way to the hospital room where his body was. As he entered, he saw that Laylin was there. Jungkook paused in the doorway as he looked at her.

She was sitting in a chair by his bedside; a hand gently holding on to one of his. She was sound asleep with her head bent completely forward; her forehead on his arm. Jungkook stayed in the doorway for a moment or two as he looked at the scene before he finally took soft steps inside. He knew that it couldn't be comfortable for her to be sleeping like that, so he made his way over to her gently.

'How long have you been here?' asked Jungkook internally as he moved up behind her.

Leaning forward, he gently put his hands on either side of her to pull her off his body. Looking up at where the elderly man had been the last time he'd been in this room, he noticed that the bed was empty; the sheets untouched. Without thinking through it too much, he slipped his arms under her to scoop her bridal style into his arms as he carried her towards the empty hospital bed. As he walked gingerly across the room, he felt her shift slightly in his arms but not wake from what appeared to be a deep slumber.

"Jungkook..." she breathed out as he gently put her down on the hospital bed.

He felt tears prick his eyes when he heard his name fall from her lips. He grabbed at the sheet at the end of the bed, tugging it up over her gently as he saw her face crease slightly in concern.

"It's okay..." He whispered softly, reaching out a hand to smooth her hair back from her forehead. "I'm okay."

He could feel a tear or two slip down his cheek as he crouched down beside the hospital bed where Laylin now lay still fitfully sleeping. He ignored the tears for now, reaching out a hand to gently rub it over her cheek.

"Don't give up on me," he whispered. "I'll be back with you someday. I promise."

His words - aided with the back of his hand gently rubbing against her cheek - seemed to soother her anxious state, lulling her back into her deep slumber. Jungkook watched her for a while before moving to stand. He wiped at the tears staining his cheeks before turning to look back at his body, which still laid in a coma. Walking over to it, he stood there looking down at it.

"Look, you better not die, you hear me?" Jungkook whispered. "You need to wake up. I want to go home."

Jungkook wasn't expecting any sort of response, but he still let out a sigh of defeat all the same. He knew that he couldn't stay for much longer because Hobi and Jimin would more than likely search the entire hospital for him if he did. Taking one more look behind him at Laylin, Jungkook moved to leave the hospital room to find out what a day in the life of Kim Taehyung was actually like.

 Taking one more look behind him at Laylin, Jungkook moved to leave the hospital room to find out what a day in the life of Kim Taehyung was actually like

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