15. Working Together

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"He has had enough."

Taehyung stood at the entrance to what used to be his bedroom. Jungkook was seated on the edge of the bed in the room, turning his head to watch the transaction taking place. Jimin kept trying to shove his way into the room, but Taehyung remained steadfast in the door where he continued to block the entrance with his body. Jimin sent him a glower as Hobi stood a little ways behind him trying to figure out how to best mediate the situation.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" asked Jimin as he crossed his arms. "And if you say it's because you're his ABC again, I'm going to..."

"Alright then. I won't say it. Goodbye," said Taehyung, cutting Jimin off before he could finish what he was saying. He shut the door and locked it, hearing Jimin grumbling from the other side of the door.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook started again as Taehyung came over to him. 

"You don't need to be sorry," said Taehyung as he sat down beside Jungkook. "I'm used to Jimin under stress, but that is new to you along with everything else. I can imagine I would be the same way in your shoes. Well, I guess I am in your shoes in a way."

Jungkook looked over at Taehyung as they sat by each other in his bedroom.

"So, how is everything with Laylin?"

"In the half hour that I've been with her? Fine, I suppose. I don't think that she suspects that anything is off."

"That's good," said Jungkook.

"I do have a question about her though," said Taehyung as he dug out Jungkook's phone from his pocket, making the lockscreen pop up. "Are you sure she's not more than your best friend?"

Jungkook could feel his face flush, looking away from Taehyung as he tried to hide it. However, it wasn't fast enough to avoid detection from Taehyung. He smirked.

"You like her, don't you?"

Jungkook nodded, looking back over at Taehyung.

"You like her and you're not dating her?" continued Taehyung; confusion detectable in his voice.

"It's not that easy," said Jungkook. "It's not as simple as you make it sound. You're a celebrity. You can just ask anyone out at any time. Laylin and I have known each other forever. We're best friends. She looks at me like a brother and not a lover. I'm sure if I tried to ask her out or express any sort of romantic interest in her, she'd laugh at me. It'd ruin our friendship."

Taehyung crossed his arms across his chest as he looked at Jungkook.

"Besides, the only one she has a crush on is you," added Jungkook.

"She has a crush on me?"

"Don't act surprised on my account. For crying out loud, half of the world has a crush on you it feels like. You're the name that leaves her lips all the time. I was trying to get tickets to your concert when I got into the accident. You're one lucky man. That's all I'll say."

Taehyung was quiet for a moment after Jungkook spoke, trying to let it all soak in.

"Look, you may think that I'm lucky, but I'm really not. You've been with Jimin and Hobi for the last few days. I'm under constant stress from the label to turn out more music to keep my fan base large and the money rolling in. I don't get a chance to breathe. I may have women throwing themselves at me, but none of them get to know me. They like me for my looks. My money. My fame. I don't get everything I want. All I want..."

Taehyung paused, realizing how much he had just rambled just then. Jungkook looked over at him. 

"What is it?" Jungkook asked softly.

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