57. On Board

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A week later, Laylin sat in the busy airport terminal, listening to a kid near her who was busy screeching about how he wasn't going to get on the flight because he didn't have his favorite teddy. Laylin looked over at the exasperated mother a few feet away who was rummaging through her purse to try to find something to stop the tears of the child. The mother eventually unearthed some sort of fruit snack from within her purse to give to the child which satisfied him.

"Nice to know that you're not the only crybaby today," came a voice from the phone she held in her hand.

Laylin smirked as she turned her gaze to look at the person on the video call. Jimin was currently walking down the sidewalk on his way to the hospital, giving her a small grin. He had wanted to call her to wish her a safe flight, especially since he practically had to shove her out the door that morning with her suitcase because she wouldn't leave to catch her flight. She was still having a hard time with it all.

"You're lucky we're friends," said Laylin, "And that you're on the phone right now."

Jimin cracked a wider grin that reached his eyes, shaking his head.

"Things are going to be alright, Laylin. I'm only teasing to help relax you."

"I know," said Laylin as she took a deep breath and let it out, looking over at the empty seat beside her. "I just wish things were different."

"We all do," said Jimin, "But just remember you aren't alone and neither are they."

"Okay," said Laylin; a person coming over the intercom then to announce that her flight was starting to board. "I've gotta go now, Jimin."

"Call me when you land," he said. "We all want to know you got there safely."

"I will," said Laylin as she said goodbye, turning her phone off and slipping it away.

She stood up from her seat, grabbing her carry-on luggage and purse. As she moved to get into the line for the flight, she passed the little boy who had been throwing a fit earlier and his mother. The boy was content now. Laylin wished she could feel that kind of peace.

- - -

Jimin entered the hospital shortly after hanging up with Laylin, taking the elevator up to the floor where Jungkook and Taehyung's room was. He rounded the corner to enter the room and was shocked to see that the both of them were sitting up in their beds fully awake and staring at each other. He stood in the doorway with his mouth open as Jungkook's body - who was currently facing the door to look at Taehyung's body - caught his eye.

"Jimin," said Jungkook, causing Taehyung's body to turn and look at the other.

"You two...you're awake?" asked Jimin in shock. "Are you yourselves again?"

A smile stretched across Taehyung's face as he nodded. They had both just woken up a few minutes earlier to find that they were back in their own bodies in a hospital. The last thing either of them remembered was getting hit by the car.

"How long have we been here?" asked Taehyung.

"And Laylin, where is she? Is she okay?" asked Jungkook.

- - -

Laylin looked ahead of her. She had six people to go until she reached the front of the line so she could hand her ticket to them. It seemed to be inching forward in a painstakingly slow manner. If she had to leave, she just wanted to get the journey over with so there was no going back. Right now she had to keep fighting the urge to jump out of line and run back to the hospital.

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