37. Prowling

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"You do realize that you look absolutely ridiculous, right?"

Hobi turned sideways to look at Jimin who had his nose tucked inside his shirt. The two of them stood on the sidewalk after being dropped off at the fish restaurant. Jimin hadn't been that enthused when Taehyung had asked them to return to ask Jin and his parents if they knew anything about the child that had been abandoned there. Even though Taehyung hadn't given a name over the phone, it didn't take Jimin a lot to figure out who that child was. If Taehyung wasn't his friend, he wouldn't be doing this.

"I don't care," said Jimin. "Lets just find Jin and try to get out of here as soon as possible."

Hobi rolled his eyes as he took the lead. He was about to open the front door of the restaurant when Namjoon decided to exit at the same time with a box in his hands. Not seeing Hobi attempting to enter the restaurant, he almost ran headlong into him with a box in his arms. Jimin – who had been following on Hobi's heels – jumped out of the way at the last second.

"Sorry! I didn't see you there!" said Namjoon as he looked at Hobi who had ungracefully ended up on his butt.

"It's fine," said Hobi as he moved to stand to his feet, dusting himself off.

"What brings you both here?" asked Namjoon; his eyes looking past Hobi at Jimin who still had his nose tucked inside his shirt. "I take it you're not here to eat some fish."

"No," said Hobi. "We were wondering if Jin was available."

"Ah, yes he is. He's just out back in the shed."

"Another psychic reading?' asked Jimin as Namjoon moved to walk towards the alley they had all trooped down before.

"No. He's actually trying to conduct some research for Taehyung and Jungkook during his break."

"Is he now?"

Namjoon nodded, depositing the box in his hands next to the dumpster in the alley. The three of them proceeded to continue towards the shed then; Jimin jumping at the last second as a tabby cat brushed up against his leg.

"Don't tell me you're scared of a cat."

"I'm not scared. I just don't like them. I've never liked them," said Jimin as he tucked his face down further in his shirt like he was some sort of turtle going back into his shell. "How can you forget that after knowing me for so long?"

"It's not like I forgot on purpose," snapped Hobi as Namjoon went over to the shed door to knock on it.

"I'll be right there!" came a panicked voice from within.

"Don't worry! It's just me," reassured Namjoon. "Hobi and Jimin are here. They said they wanted to see you."


The three of them could hear evidence of some sort of struggle inside. It sounded as if the whole interior was booby trapped with the amount of clatter that could be heard before the door opened. Jin looked at Hobi and Jimin with a friendly grin on his face.

"What brings the both of you back here so quickly?"

"We have a question for you," said Jimin, finally deciding that it was safe for his nose to inhale some fresh air as he removed his face from inside his shirt. "We're hoping that maybe you can shed a bit of clarity on the issue."

- - -

Min Yoongi was known to many as the most efficient member on staff. He came across as cold to others because he was serious about his job. He was serious about getting it done and having it be done to the best of his ability. When asked what his secret to success was, he always told others that the secret was not making friends since making friends was for children. He told others the best way to be successful was to earn his living, go home, and worry about himself. Even though that wasn't a life that many would enjoy, Yoongi was perfectly content with the successful life that came from such a lifestyle.

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