46. Sorry but...

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Silence was better than anything else on earth in Yoongi's opinion. When one was granted silence, one could think things through logically; figure out the answers to problems that others had a hard time solving. Yoongi - while being known around the label as the one that got the job done - was also known for his love of silence. It was hard for Yoongi to find a place that was completely silent within the label though seeing that his office didn't possess soundproof walls. That was how Yoongi ended up finding the spot in the alley out back; a place sandwiched between a recyclable bin and a stack of boxes that no one could seem to be bother taking care of.

Even though he was a trapped as a cat, he still enjoyed the silence. Yoongi had told himself not to get his hopes up during Jin's attempt, but he couldn't help it. The disappointment that crashed down on him when it didn't work was sending panic throughout him; panic that he was not used to facing. Panic didn't usually happen because Yoongi was always prepared. However, Yoongi couldn't ever have prepared himself for being stuck as a feline.

'It'll be alright,' thought Yoongi as he kept his eyes closed. 'Things will be fixed eventually.'

As Yoongi kept his eyes closed to try to help himself feel better, there was a metallic squeal from beside him. Opening his eyes he turned to see a woman stalking out of the building as if she were angry at the world. She wore dangerously high heels, almost skewering one of Yoongi's paws with them. Yoongi quickly drew back when she walked past him, hiding behind one of the boxes as he watched her. She had a black purse with a golden chain dangling from her arm and was currently rummaging around inside it for something. With her face turned down towards her purse, Yoongi was able to recognize exactly who it was.

It was Taehyung's mother.

Yoongi continued to watch her as she withdrew a packet of cigarettes from her purse. She grumbled under her breath as she shook one out, tossing the packet carelessly back into her purse in search of a lighter. Yoongi was figuring that the confrontation upstairs had been an unpleasant surprise for her.

With the cigarette wedged between her glossy lips, she lit it. A plume of smoke swirled up into the air like dragon's breath as she closed her eyes and sighed.

Taking the cigarette out of her mouth after a drag or two, she held it between two fingers as she glared at the gray bricks across from her.

"It's alright. You knew this day might come eventually. Well, no...take that back. You never thought Taehyung would find him..." she whispered to herself. "I can't let this stand. This will ruin him. Taehyung will lose his fame. He will disappear and suffer..."

'More like you will suffer,' thought Yoongi as he watched her smoke.

"I have to stop this from happening," she said. "No one will listen to me so I'll have to take matters into my own hands."

Yoongi watched as she threw the cigarette down, snubbing it out with her foot before digging out her cell phone. She practically punched the number into the screen before putting it to her ear.

"Hello. I have a favor I need to ask of you..."

Yoongi watched as she turned to walk away to a more remote location in the alley so she could have the phone call without risking being overheard. Yoongi didn't like the sound of the conversation she was having and decided that he needed to follow after her to see what she had planned. Scurrying out from where he was seated, he followed after her as she rounded the corner.

- - -

The hallway of misery.

That's what Taehyung remembered it as. This hallway he was currently walking down only led to where his parents had an office, and every time he would be led down there he would always end up miserable. He followed after his father as he walked a little ways ahead of him on the gray carpet, soon leading him into an even grayer office. There was nothing colorful about the space. Everything was just as Taehyung remembered. He stood in the doorway as he watched his father pull out a seat at the small conference table in the room; a table that Taehyung remembered sitting at many times either bored out of his mind or feeling like he wasn't good enough.

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