21. A Bit Crazy

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"Jungkook that's you, isn't it?"

Jungkook heard the question clearly but was unsure of how to answer. He and Taehyung hadn't talked about telling anyone about them yet. It was his own stupid fault for not being better at being someone else. Being around Laylin made him forget whose body he was currently in. The silence that stretched between them was long enough that Laylin reached out a hand to grab his sleeve cuff, tugging on it so that he'd face her. He locked his semi-glassy eyes with hers.

"If I'm wrong, I'm sorry. I am still trying to catch up on sleep, and don't want to come across as some sort of deranged fan but..."

"Laylin..." said Jungkook before falling silent again.

Him saying her name was enough to stop her babbling as her eyes scanned his face; her fingers still tangled in the cuff of his sleeve. Taehyung - meanwhile - had gotten up from where he was seated in the living room and came to stand in the kitchen doorway. Both of them were so focused on each other that neither of them noticed him there.

"It's okay," said Taehyung as Jungkook then registered him standing there.

"Laylin..." said Jungkook again, trying to find the right words to say as Laylin's eyes filled with tears at Taehyung's permission.

"Jungkook, is that really you? I just need a 'yes' or 'no'."

"Yes," said Jungkook finally as he blinked back his own tears.

Laylin dropped her hold of his cuff then, immediately slapping at his chest with her hand. Jungkook brought his hand up to stop her.

"Why would you keep that secret from me?" she asked. "We never keep secrets from each other!"

"You wouldn't have believed me if I told you," said Jungkook.

"Now it all makes sense even though none of it really does...you checking on me at the hospital with fried chicken, signing the album, being friends with Jungkook...well, not Jungkook but Taehyung..."

Laylin's face was one of complete disbelief as she turned to look at Taehyung who still stood in the kitchen doorway. She had been in the presence of her idol all along. She stubbornly brushed back her tears with the back of her hand. Jungkook's heart broke seeing her so upset - but as he made a move towards her - she held up a finger to still him.

"Don't," she said. "Just don't."

Without another word, Laylin moved to leave the house, slamming the door shut behind her. Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other; a few tears sliding down Jungkook's cheeks.

"I'm sorry," said Jungkook as Taehyung entered the kitchen, moving to walk over to Jungkook and give him a hug.

"Hey, it's alright," Taehyung said. "We should've told her sooner. We need someone else on our side if we're to figure out how to switch back."

"I have to go find her," said Jungkook.

"I'll go with you," said Taehyung as he moved to follow Jungkook out the door.

The two of them exited the house, making sure things were locked up before looking up and down the empty street.

"Where does Laylin go when she's upset?" asked Taehyung as he looked over at Jungkook.

"She has a lot of hiding places," said Jungkook, trying to think of all the usual spots. "Wherever she went, she more than likely walked."

Laylin's car was still parked against the curb in front of Taehyung's house, so Jungkook was just stating the obvious at that point. Jungkook knew that Laylin couldn't have gotten far.

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