43. Feeling At Home

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While the men continued to discuss the best plan of action in order to confront Taehyung's parents, Laylin excused herself to go downstairs and check on Yoongi and the cat man. Everyone seemed scared of looking at the disaster that they had created, but no one seemed concerned about how scared the man that had traded places with a cat might be. Going downstairs, she noticed that both of them were in the living room watching some sort of animal movie where a cat had been abandoned and yet found. Neither of them seemed to notice her at first. She gradually walked closer to them and saw that the cat man was gently stroking fingers through the cat's fur. She couldn't help but to smile softly.

Yoongi the cat was the one that seemed to notice her first, turning his head to look at her. She couldn't detect any sort of emotions in his eyes as he stared at her. She moved to take a seat on her knees in front of the couch.

"My name is Laylin," she said softly as she looked at him. "I'm sorry that this happened to you, but we will find a way to fix it. I came to see if you were doing okay."

Yoongi stared at Laylin as she talked, semi-distracted by her loud hair color for a moment before he realized that maybe this was the woman he had seen kissing Taehyung in that photo. Well, not Taehyung if it was true that he had switched bodies with Jungkook. Yoongi stared at her for a moment more before he shook his head from side-to-side.

"I really wish there was a way that you could tell me more," said Laylin when she saw Yoongi shaking his head from side-to-side. She took that to mean he wasn't okay, but wasn't sure how to best help him.

She cast her eyes about the living room she was sitting in before getting up. Laylin disappeared from the room momentarily before coming back in with a pad of paper that she found in the other room and a pen. She began to write out the letters of the alphabet, ripping out the papers and putting them in order on the ground. She then stood up after with the pad of paper and pen.

"Can you spell out for me what you need?" asked Laylin as she looked at Yoongi the cat.

Yoongi looked back at her in disbelief. He couldn't believe that she was really doing this and taking the time to try to communicate with him. He got up from where he was, prancing over to the letters before beginning to step on them slowly to spell. Laylin tried to pay attention to what he was doing to make sure that she wrote it all down correctly. When he stopped trailing across all the letters, she looked at what she had written.

"What is 'picture girl' supposed to mean? Do you need me to find someone for you?"

Yoongi shook his head again before trying to spell out another simple phrase for her. Laylin went back to writing it down. When she finished writing down what was next, she froze.

"Beach kiss..." she whispered in fear; her thoughts turning back to that passionate first kiss she had had with Jungkook on that rocky beach. Was it possible that someone had taken photos of them during that moment?

Yoongi could see the horror on her face and realized then that she had understood what he was saying. He watched as she dug out her phone to search it up, looking even more horrified when the results immediately popped up.

"Oh we're dead," said Laylin out loud to herself. "Oh I've gone and ruined Taehyung's career..."

Yoongi looked at her for a moment, watching as she sank down onto her butt on the ground. Luckily it looked like none of the pictures showed her face clearly so she was still being heralded as a 'mystery woman' on all the sites where their pictures were posted. Laylin had thought they might have been safe on their tiny strip of paradise, but it was obvious that wasn't the case. Yoongi walked over to her, standing in front of her as she looked at him.

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