16. Awkward Dinner

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"If you weren't a celebrity, I'd think you were a stalker."

Those were the words that left Laylin's lips and started the evening as soon as Taehyung showed up with Jungkook at the apartment. The whole evening spiraled into increasing awkwardnesses as Laylin finished getting dinner plated and ready for three. Laylin had been shocked when Taehyung came through the door with Jungkook. It took her a moment to gather her bearings, and to feel as if she didn't look frumpy in her sweatpants and sweatshirt.

It was silent in the living room as the three of them sat there and picked at their food. The only chatter came from the clatter of utensils hitting the plate. Jungkook looked over at Laylin who hadn't seemed to make eye contact with either him or Taehyung since they sat down to eat before looking back down at his plate.

'She thinks I'm a stalker; that it's weird a celebrity keeps showing up in her life over and over again,' thought Jungkook as he tried to swallow the food around the lump forming in his throat. 'If only she knew...'

Taehyung looked over at Jungkook to see that he was staring at his plate just like Laylin. Taehyung cleared his throat. He was in Jungkook's body, so he would have to find a way to break this awkward silence.

"Laylin, this is delicious," said Taehyung as he swallowed the bite in his mouth. "You're gonna have to teach me."

"Teach you to cook?" asked Laylin as she lifted her head.

'Shoot! Does Jungkook know how to cook already? I didn't ask him about this! Did I put my foot in my mouth?' thought Taehyung worriedly.

"Do you not remember the last time I tried to teach you to cook?" added Laylin.

Jungkook was looking over at Taehyung by this point, trying to keep his face as expressionless as possible. Jungkook hadn't thought to go over everything about he and Laylin with Taehyung. Besides, there was too much history there. Surely Taehyung could roll with it and figure it out.

"No one died," said Taehyung with a small smile. "That's all I remember."

"It's because I was there," said Laylin with a chuckle. "If I hadn't been there, I'm sure that we wouldn't have an apartment anymore."

"Come on. It wasn't that bad," said Taehyung as Laylin's chuckle turned into a small burst of laughter.

Jungkook smiled softly as he finished what was on his plate. He was thankful that Taehyung seemed to be able to catch on relatively quickly. It was also nice that he could hear Laylin laugh again.

"Why do I hear a hint of a challenge in your voice?" asked Laylin. "Do you really want to prove it wasn't that bad in front of our guest?"

"Our guest can help," said Taehyung automatically as he shot a look over at Jungkook; a look that said 'if I'm doing this, you are too.'

Laylin's cheeks heated with a blush as she looked over at Jungkook. Those bashful glances were for another man. He had to keep that in mind. Laylin thought he was Taehyung, so he couldn't get too far ahead of himself. He had to fight the blush that wanted to come onto his own cheeks.

"I don't mind," said Jungkook as he stood up from where he was seated with his empty plate. "I could use a cooking lesson or two."

"Alright then," said Laylin as she stood up too. "What do you want to cook?"

"Anything," said Jungkook. "Whatever you want."

Laylin nodded as she ducked her head and made her way towards the kitchen. When she was temporarily out of sight, Taehyung shot Jungkook another look and elbowed him in the side.

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