26. Soul Purpose

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After Taehyung spoke, the only thing that made sound within the shed were the freezers incasing them on either side. Seokjin sat there in visible shock as Taehyung smirked. There was no doubt now that this guy before them wasn't actually a psychic or the news that he had just been told wouldn't come as a shock.

"Well?" asked Taehyung as he saw Seokjin still fumbling for a reply. "What do you have to say about what I just told you?"

"I...I usually just try to read other's futures," said Seokjin finally. "I have never encountered a body swap before."

"See, I told you..." said Taehyung as he turned to look at Hobi behind him again.

"Hey. It was the only thing we could do!" said Hobi. "At least we're trying something."

"So you're Taehyung?" asked Seokjin as he nodded at Taehyung in Jungkook's body as Taehyung turned back around to face him.

"I am," said Taehyung.

Seokjin studied Taehyung and Jungkook for a moment before holding out both of his hands.

"I need each of you to give me a hand."

Jungkook looked at Taehyung warily for a moment before placing his right hand in Seokjin's hand; Taehyung reluctantly putting his left hand in Seokjin's other hand. Seokjin closed his hands about theirs as he closed his eyes. Jungkook kept his head turned to look at Taehyung, wondering what was going on. Taehyung looked back at Jungkook equally as confused.

"For not being where they are normally supposed to be, your souls are at peace," said Seokjin as his eyes remained closed; the thumb on either hand rubbing gently over their wrists.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Taehyung as he arched a brow as he and Jungkook faced Seokjin again.

"It means that your souls didn't swap because of some sort of ill will against you. It wasn't due to some sort of curse or whatnot. The body swap was an amicable swap between your souls."

Seokjin opened his eyes to look at Taehyung and Jungkook, releasing their hands. He could see the confusion on their faces and knew that a further explanation was necessary.

"Look," Seokjin started, "I don't know much about body swaps since I have never encountered them before, but I can tell you what I do know."

"We're listening," said Jungkook as Seokjin nodded his head, moving to place a hand over his own chest.

"Our souls are special and unique," began Seokjin. "They can see and sense things better than any psychic could ever hope to. Your souls - for whatever reason - had the need to cross paths for some deeper purpose. A soul purpose, if you will."

"So you are saying we didn't switch bodies because of the accident?" asked Taehyung.

"Exactly. The accident you both shared was just a matter of convenience. Your souls were trying to cross paths for whatever reason and took the accident as the opportunity to switch bodies; to form that needed connection that wasn't happening otherwise. The accident isn't what caused the switch, but it certainly opened the door to it."

"So is there a chance of us switching back?" asked Jungkook, "Or are we stuck like this?"

"It all depends on what your souls' purposes are. Until you figure that out, your souls seem to be wanting to stay right where they are."

"And how exactly are we to find our souls' purpose out?" Taehyung asked, sounding exasperated.

"You need to discover why your souls needed each other and why a body swap was necessary to get the purpose accomplished," said Seokjin simply, making it sound like it was the easiest thing in the world.

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