11. Feeling Normal

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The recording session ended up being the same as yesterday. Jungkook tried his hardest to sing in the way that Jimin and Hobi expected him too, but ultimately kept failing over and over again. Jimin and Hobi left him about an hour earlier than they had the day before, and Jungkook moved to do the same thing that he had done yesterday which was leaving the huge empty home to head to the hospital.

When he arrived that night though, he noticed there was a small smattering of people outside with cameras about their necks. He stood still on the sidewalk for a moment, wondering why they were there. As he did, he noticed a few of them turn his way. Jungkook stepped sideways off the sidewalk as a camera flashed, trying to duck along the walls as he made his way towards a side entrance. He understood that he was a celebrity, but he couldn't understand how they had found him at a hospital of all places, especially after he had been discharged.

When he finally made it to a side entrance, he found that he was unable to get in. A nurse happened to walk by then, seeing him standing there as she moved to open the door for him.

"Let me guess. You saw the paparazzi out front," she said as Jungkook slammed the door shut behind him.

"I did, but I don't understand..."

"Word travels at the speed of light when you're a well known idol," said the nurse.

She walked off then, leaving Jungkook feeling flustered. He didn't like any of this. It was the price of being famous apparently. He looked at a hospital map on a nearby wall, soon finding himself outside the right hospital room. Laylin was already there like yesterday; the laptop playing yet another show.

"Another show, I see."

At his voice, Laylin lifted her head to look at him standing in the doorway.

"You're back."

"So are you. I'm starting to think you live here."

"And I'm starting to think you're a stalker," said Laylin back with a thin smile.

Jungkook smirked as he entered the room further to walk over and stand by Laylin's side.

"I remember this show..."

"You watch Netflix?"

"Why does that shock you so badly?" he asked with a chuckle.

If Jungkook was being honest, he remembered watching this particular show with Laylin. It ended up being one of their favorites. They watched Netflix a lot together. It brought back fond memories for Jungkook. Whenever they watched Netflix, he would always let her choose what show to watch. She was deeply invested in romantic comedies, which led to Jungkook keeping a box of tissues hidden behind their couch to reach for when it came time for the tears. At some point, he always ended up consoling her about whatever had made her cry. He still found himself doing that now even though this was far from any sort of scripted romantic comedy.

"I just thought celebrities had some sort of exclusive access to streaming services or they didn't watch them at all...I know. It's stupid."

"Nah. I've heard far stupider claims."

"So you are admitting that it is a bit stupid..."

He chuckled holding up his fingers so that there was a small gap between them. Laylin chuckled too despite the tears that were gathering in her eyes.

"How long have you been here today?"

"Most of the day again. Don't worry though. I did end up going to work today, so I did get out for a bit."

"That's good," said Jungkook as he moved over towards the window in the room. He pulled down the blind with a finger, trying to squint eyes downward into the growing dusk.

"What are you looking for?"

"Paparazzi," said Jungkook. "I'm not used to it."

"Not used to it? They follow you everywhere."

"I know...I mean, sometimes I forget that I need to be careful."

Jungkook sighed as he turned away from the window, watching as Laylin got up from her seat.

"You could avoid all this by just staying home," she said softly. "Don't get me wrong. I'm thrilled that I get to be with someone I admire, it's just...I feel like you're putting yourself through unnecessary trouble for nothing."

"It's not for nothing," said Jungkook as he furrowed his brows.

Jungkook wished he could tell her the truth. He wished that he could say why he was here, and how he really felt about her. He missed her so much.

"I like spending time with someone that makes me feel normal," said Jungkook. "I need more of that in my life right now."

Laylin fought the blush that was coming to her cheeks, moving both of her hands up to cover her cheeks as if that would get rid of the betraying warmth there. Jungkook smiled softly as he looked at her doing that.

"It'd be nice to feel normal like this more often. Just wish I could hide from the paparazzi for a while."

"If you want to hide from the paparazzi some, you can come over to my apartment," said Laylin so suddenly that she even shocked herself.

"Sure!" exclaimed Jungkook.

He realized immediately that it came out sounding too eager, and quickly tried to amend it.

"I mean, if that's alright. It sounds like fun. Do you have a way of sneaking me out of here though?"

"I think I have an idea..."

Laylin was still processing his affirmative answer as she wandered back over to her purse. She rummaged inside for a pair of cheetah sunglasses, tossing them his way. Jungkook snatched them expertly from the air, slipping them on his eyes.

"Keep your head low. We'll take back ways out. But...what if you get seen with me?"

"It's not a sin to be seen with you, so please don't act like it," said Jungkook as Laylin nodded.

She moved to pack up the laptop, pausing when she looked at Jungkook's still pale face.

"I feel so guilty leaving him..."

Jungkook walked over, placing a hand gently on her shoulder.

"Even when you leave him here, he is still with you. He's with you in spirit."

Laylin nodded as she shot him a grateful smile before leading him towards the door.

"I can't believe I'm helping Kim Taehyung sneak out of a hospital to my place...it's something right out of a fanfiction..."

She grabbed his hand without realizing it when the coast was clear, scooting with Jungkook down hallways towards a back exit to get to her car.

As they both left the hospital room, Jungkook's body showed a sign of life; fingers twitching for a moment before falling completely still again.

As they both left the hospital room, Jungkook's body showed a sign of life; fingers twitching for a moment before falling completely still again

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