28. Temporary Home

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"You have the index cards?"

Taehyung stood in the apartment near the front door as Laylin was bustling back and forth in the background trying to make sure they had everything packed for the trip. They had talked about meeting Jungkook's mother the night before with Laylin and had come up with a plan. Laylin would take a day off work to go to Jungkook's mother's house with Taehyung (like Jungkook's mother had wanted) to help him along and get him accustomed to things. Meanwhile, Hobi and Jimin would help Jungkook through dinner with Taehyung's parents. Even though Taehyung knew that Hobi and Jimin would help Jungkook out, he had still prepped index cards with a few notes on them in case. As he stood in front of the door the next day waiting to leave for the trip back to Jungkook's childhood home, he wanted to make sure Jungkook still had them.

"I have them right here," said Jungkook as he slipped them out of his pocket.

Taehyung nodded, watching as Laylin came over to them.

"Okay. I think things are set. You have our numbers?" she asked as she looked over at Jungkook.

"Yes, Mom," teased Jungkook as Laylin rolled her eyes and playfully slapped his arm. Taehyung was happy to see that Laylin wasn't acting as weirdly as she was about the switch anymore.

"You're a turkey. That hasn't ever changed," said Laylin, "But seriously. Call us if you need us."

"And you do the same," said Jungkook. "Thank you for doing this, Laylin."

"Of course," she said with a smile. "It's what besties are for - and besides- it's been a while since I've seen your mother. That woman is a sweetheart."

"A helicoptering one," added Jungkook with a chuckle. "Have a safe drive you two."

Taehyung nodded, moving to grab both of their duffel bags as he left the apartment. Jungkook made sure to cover up his face before following them downstairs to the car. Taehyung loaded the duffels into the trunk as Laylin moved to give Jungkook one last goodbye hug. She was acting as if they would never see each other again.

"See you soon," said Jungkook as Laylin just nodded, moving to get into the driver's seat; Taehyung climbing into the passenger seat.

The two of them sat awkwardly as they drove away from Jungkook and the apartment. Now it was just the two of them and they were entirely alone. Laylin reached out to turn on the radio after picking them both up some coffee for the drive. The radio was the only thing breaking the silence between them. Taehyung wasn't sure what to say, so he kept alternating between sipping the coffee, scratching at his chest due to the itchy and uncomfortable sweatshirt he had on, and humming along to the radio. Eventually - about an hour or so into the drive - Laylin broke the uncomfortable silence.

"I'll drive until we are a few blocks away and then I'll pull over so you can drive. I'll direct you the rest of the way. Otherwise Jungkook's mother - who will probably be outside waiting to greet us - will be suspicious. Jungkook always drives on trips back home."

Taehyung looked over at Laylin in the driver's seat. He knew that Laylin wasn't necessarily comfortable about taking him to Jungkook's place when she knew the truth, but he was thankful that she had relented to their request rather quickly the night before. He reached up a hand to scratch the back of his neck as he noticed Laylin falling into the uncomfortable silence again.

"That sounds like a plan," he said. "Laylin..."


"Why is this sweater so itchy?"

The question surprised her as she cast her gaze sideways to see Taehyung still scratching at his neck and then his chest. She couldn't keep the small smile off her face as she flicked her gaze back to the road.

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