7. In The Home Of The Gucci King

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Jungkook knew that - being a celebrity idol - that Kim Taehyung was probably living like a king, but the place that the man called home still took his breath away. As they pulled up outside it, Jungkook followed Jimin and Hobi out of the car. Jimin moved to type in a security code in a small metal box by the black gate. A second or two after the code had been entered, a small mechanical beep sounded out and Jimin was able to push the gate open. Jungkook followed behind them up the gray stone walkway, casting his eyes both ways to take in the well manicured lawn and gardens. The shrubbery was even trimmed with not even a twig out of line. Another code was required before access inside the two story home was allowed.

The first thing that he noticed - aside from the winding staircase - was that the main hall of the house was completely white except for the floors which were made of a light tan wood. Jungkook felt the place looked like some sort of showroom for a magazine. Everything seemed to be placed just so, and looked like it was rarely used. Following after Hobi and Jimin, he walked past silver vases with purple flowers sprouting out of them into a living room that seemed to be made up of several glass floor to ceiling windows instead of a wall. It allowed natural light to flood the place; twinkling off the light fixtures that dangled from the ceiling. The open spaced living room seeped into the kitchen; a large island gleaming as if freshly polished as Jimin put Taehyung's cell phone down on it. Jungkook could see that the rear of the house was just as open spaced as the front; two closed doors holding their secrets to him for now. A sliding glass door that led out back showed a fenced in pool; a pool floaty or two lazily spinning across the aqua blue surface.

"Tae, are you okay?" asked Jimin as he came up to stand beside him. "You act like you've never seen this place before."

"I just...sorry. Just can't believe I'm finally home," said Jungkook.

"Well, lets get you settled," said Hobi as he moved to loop an arm about his shoulders, leading him towards the staircase; the first thing that had greeted him home.

The staircase was in a spiral like design; empty air greeting his toes between the slats as he made his way upwards. There was a small balcony of sorts that made up the second floor landing. A few photo shoot photos of Taehyung hung from the walls along with various album jackets. Jungkook found it sad that there were no family or friends in any of the pictures. That changed - of course - when he entered the bedroom that Hobi led him into.

Taehyung's bedroom was massive. Pictures of Hobi, Jimin, and Taehyung decorated the walls. A huge king sized bed sat in the middle of the room dressed in light gray bed coverings. A window was situated off to the side with a view of the pool out back. Jungkook moved to walk towards the closet, looking at the adjoining bathroom on the way by that looked like it had a jacuzzi tub inside. As Jungkook tugged the closet door open, he was in awe at the depth. Reaching out a hand to flick on the light inside, he saw that the walk-in closet before him looked like it was the size of the apartment he shared with Laylin. Wandering inside, he saw that everything had its proper place. He brushed shoulders with the most expensive clothing he had ever seen. There were so many name brands that surrounded Jungkook, he was surprised how any of them still had stock to stay in business.

Jungkook realized the entire back wall seemed to be the place of honor for everything Gucci. Jungkook had to quickly hide the smirk that wanted to pop to his face as he reached out fingers to brush through the clothing. This section of the wardrobe cost more than all his own possessions combined. He wondered how one man could own so much Gucci. It was as if Taehyung were the Gucci King.

"Look at him. He's already making himself at home. Gravitated right towards his favorite clothing," said Hobi with a chuckle.

Jungkook turned to see that Hobi was standing in the doorway to the walk-in closet while Jimin had entered to move and stand beside him.

"If you want to change into something that is more like you, you can. Hobi was the one to pick out the outfit you're wearing," said Jimin.

"Hey! I thought it looked good considering he just left the hospital."

"The pants are a bit tight," said Jungkook before he realized he had said it, causing Jimin to laugh right out loud.

"Well, we can get rid of those then. Although, I'm sure your fan base likes that," said Hobi with a chuckle of his own.

"I'd like to take a shower," said Jungkook as the chuckling died down, "And get changed."

"Alright. You do that. You must want to after the hospital. Once you're done, meet us in the studio," said Jimin. "It's right down the hall. Now that you're functioning again, the label is back on us."

"Okay..." said Jungkook with a nod of his head. He already felt the butterflies building in his stomach. He wasn't used to nor did he like public things.

He watched Hobi and Jimin leave him alone once more. Now that he was alone, he turned his attention back to the wardrobe that surrounded him. He knew that he would feel uncomfortable wearing any of what was before him, but forced himself to lay hands on a black Gucci hoodie before moving to find some more comfortable looking pants. Exiting the walk-in closet, he moved towards the bathroom that he had walked past earlier. He shut the door behind him, catching a glance of his face in the mirror as he stood there for a moment.

Turning his head, he saw Kim Taehyung's face still staring back at him; panic written in his eyes. Jungkook knew that he had to reign in the nerves he was feeling. He had to do this for now. Until Kim Taehyung woke up in his body, he had no choice. He put the clothes on the white marble sink counter before walking towards the shower that stood beside the jacuzzi tub. It took Jungkook a moment to figure out how exactly the glass shower door opened. Once he got it open, he stepped inside for a moment to turn on the water. He adjusted it to the right temperature before quickly jumping out before he got too wet. No sense ruining clothing that wasn't his.

He shrugged out of the brown leather jacket before taking off the white t-shirt and then the rest of his clothing. He then took one of the quickest showers that he had ever taken, but at the same time, it was relaxing. He wondered if it was really possible for a rich person's water to feel different than that of an average person as crazy as that sounded in his head. The water seemed to work magic the moment it hit his body; massaging away all the tension he felt and washing it down the drain hole at his feet.

When he stepped out, he put the white t-shirt back on before throwing the black Gucci hoodie over the top and then tugging on the black sweat pant looking pants that he had found in the closet. After, he rummaged through the drawers under the sink for a comb to tame the mass of wild hair on the top of his head now; water dripping down his face and into his eyes as he looked. He finally found one, combing through his hair until it was tousled, but more purposefully so.

After he had summoned up the necessary courage, he moved out of the bathroom and the bedroom to try and find the studio that Jimin and Hobi had told him to go to after he was done.

After he had summoned up the necessary courage, he moved out of the bathroom and the bedroom to try and find the studio that Jimin and Hobi had told him to go to after he was done

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