9. Visiting Hours

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The hospital loomed in the distance as Jungkook looked at the time on his phone under the dull glow of the street lamps. The sun was just starting to set in the sky in front of him; casting the entire skyline in pinks and light blues. He didn't know how long visiting hours were, but he hoped he wouldn't be too late. He had made a brief pit stop at a fried chicken place that Laylin loved on the way because he knew she didn't tend to eat when she was upset. He was intending to be just in and out, but had ended up bumping into a few Taehyung fans that made him take pictures.

Entering the hospital once he arrived, he was briefly stopped by a nurse at the front desk. He thought it was because she was going to reprimand him that visiting hours were almost done for the day or for the food bag he was carrying. Instead of saying what he thought she was going to say, she instead asked for his autograph. Jungkook still wasn't used to this change, forcing a small smile on his face before signing the sheet of paper she shoved towards him. Afterwards, Jungkook went up in the elevator to the hospital room where his body was.

Standing in the doorway, Jungkook could see that Laylin's back was to him. She was seated by his body's bedside again. This time she wasn't asleep. Instead she was semi-slouched forward, holding one of his hands in hers as she rubbed her thumb over his knuckles. Propped on a tray above his legs was a laptop; some sort of Netflix drama playing on the screen. He took a step or two quietly into the room, able to hear her soft sniffles. He kept the bag of food tightly in one hand as he reached out his free hand to rap at the wall. Jungkook watched Laylin stiffen before turning to look at him; her teary eyes widening.


Jungkook smiled softly, walking over to her. He placed the food bag down next to the laptop for a second before moving to grab a chair by the still vacant bed in the room. He carried it back over to sit it at the foot of the bed where his body was, grabbing up the food bag again as Laylin just continued to stare at him as if he were some sort of alien.

"What are you doing here?" Laylin asked as she looked over at Jungkook as he took the take-out boxes from the bag.

If Jungkook were really himself, he would have said it was to check on her. He wasn't himself though, so he knew those words would just sound weird.

"I was in the same accident as your friend," said Jungkook finally as he nodded towards his comatose body. "I saw you the first time I came down here to check on him, and figured that you would still be here. I wanted to make sure you ate."

Jungkook could obviously see the look of confusion on Laylin's face. No doubt she was wondering what her favorite idol was doing checking in on her. After a minute or two, Laylin leaned to take the take-out box from Jungkook. When she opened the lid, he saw her eyes water even more than before. Jungkook moved to open his own take-out box, having gotten the same thing as Laylin. He knew this meal was Laylin's favorite, and to not make it look odd, he had gotten himself the same thing. He watched as a tear gently fell down her cheek as she looked over at him.

"You...you didn't have to do this. You must be a busy man."

"I have time to care about someone else other than myself," he said. "Do you mind if I keep you company?"

She gave a thin smile as she nodded her head; taking a piece of fried chicken from the box.

"It's ridiculous of you to ask," she said. "Of course it's fine. I'm not much company right now though."

"It's understandable."

Both were silent for a moment as they each ate the chicken in their boxes; neither due how to fill the dead air. Eventually Laylin moved to palm tears off her cheek with one hand as dhe moved to speak.

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