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This is an AU where Hunter really is Belos's nephew, and this starts during his parents death when he was 4.

⚠️ Trigger Warnings ⚠️
*Mentions of death
*Mentions of arson

Mom and Dad always said the same thing when I asked why we never visited my uncle.

"To stay safe."

I was clinging onto my plush and crying, it was a pink frog I got for my birthday. I was sitting in a room with multiple other children. I had been in my room sleeping, and then people with weird masks had grabbed me and put me in a carriage with other children in it. I didn't learn they were coven scout until much later. Around me were multiple children, the oldest looking around 10 the youngest being 2-3. Everyone looked just as scared as I was, some were clinging onto plushies like me and others were crying and/or being comforted by the older kids. After the coven scouts had driven us here they had locked all of us together in this room.

I was Terrified, what was happening? Where were my Mommy and Daddy? I saw one of the older kids come up to me.

"Hey are you ok?" They asked. I shook my head.

"I want my Mommy and Daddy!" I said with tears in my eyes.

"Don't worry I'm sure they'll be fine." As they said this they gently gave me a hug and I hugged back crying.

I never learned there name, and now I can't even remember what they looked like.

Two of the coven scouts walked into the room. Everyone went silent, some of them where looking at them with fear(myself included) while others looked angry.

"Why did you put us all here!" An angry voice shouted, everyone looked over and saw a little boy no older than 8 standing there angrily.

"I want my big sister and daddy! What did you do with them!?" There were tears is the boys eyes as he shouted at the scouts.

"Please sit down and we will explain." the scout on the left said. The boy reluctantly sat down.

"We had grabbed you because we had gotten word that there would be an attack on your property by wild witches, we started with the children 10 and younger, then grabbed the children 11-16 and have put them in a separate room." The one on the left said.

"However before we could evacuate everyone else the wild witches attacked and burned it to the ground." The right one said as a number of gasps filled the room.

"We will be be bringing the other kids in here. Then we will be bringing you into another room with your siblings, if you have any, in the morning." The left one started, "This way we will learn your first and last names and see if we can find any living relatives for you to stay with until things have been cleared up." The right one finished.

After they left everything turned into chaos, children were crying, yelling and punching at the doors and walls. I buried my face into my plush and tried to cancel out all the noise at I cried. Soon the scout came back in with the older children and did there best to calm down the ruckus and put the room back into some kind of order. All I can remember was the noise and this trapped feeling. it didn't even fully register what I had lost that day until much later.

Soon they had 4 scouts in the room with us, each at one of the corners of the room. We had been supplied with sleeping bags and everyone was trying to sleep, with the older kids helping the scouts keep things in order. I soon fell asleep clinging onto my plush. Hoping this was a dream I could wake up from. And that in the morning my parents would wake me up like always, with smiling faces looking down on me.


674 words, not as good as the last couple of times but not bad either. I plan on making a fluff chapter soon to make up for the angst chapters I've been giving out. Also if you want a part two please tell me. Byeeeeeee

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