💔🎀Frozen pt.2🎀💔

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Hunter stared out his window watching the people roam the streets, staring down from his room blankly. For years Hunter had been locked away, hidden within his room after his parents had died. He was only 4 when the incident that had started it all had happened. He was playing and accidently hit his mother with his magic. He was so young. All he could only remember was his mother's scream, his father's shock and desperation. He didn't even remember what he had done. She was ok in the end, all it did was give her a streak of white in her hair and memory loss problems. Afterwards though his father became a different person. He became desperate to find a way to cure Hunter of his magic. Seeing it as a curse. Despite his mother trying to comfort him with lies Hunter knew his father saw him as a curse. Knew he saw him as a burden and monster. Knew that his powers were what made him like this. Knew that neither of his parents deserved the burden of his existence.

The next two years were a blur. The castle gates were closed and though Hunter hadn't been locked in his room he was only allowed in certain places of that castle and prohibited from ever using his magic unless under the direct supervision of his parents without anyone else around. His mother and father fought almost daily and Hunter always stayed in his special hiding spots and listened. He was always the reason they fought. The fights were always about his fathers obsession over curing Hunter, it was always his fault. The two would scream at each other for hours upon hours until his mother would storm out of the room, like clockwork she would walk around the castle until she had calmed down. Then she would go to Hunter's room, where he always was by now, and cling onto him. Telling him how much she loved him and how wrong his father was for treating him like this. Hunter always knew she was lying. His father had to be right. Why else would he so badly want to cure Hunter?

a week before Hunter turned 6 his parents went on a ship to sail to a place that, in his fathers own words, had something that had the possibility to finally fix Hunter. He could still remember his mother hugging him as close to her as possible, saying she was only going to keep his father from doing anything stupid. The two exchanged 'I love yous' with each other and after a kiss on the head and a promise they would be back before his birthday she went on that ship while Hunter waited in the harbor with one of the maids. Watching his parents sail away to what he did not yet know would be their deaths. The news that his parents had died on their expedition was given to Hunter on his birthday. He had never cried so hard, knowing that it was all his fault.

His father had sent a secret letter to his uncle, who was to care for him, saying if he died on the expedition he wanted Hunter to be locked in his room until he could control his magic. To protect everyone from the magic that only grew as time went on.

Now Hunter was 16. He had been locked away in his room for so long he forgot what it was like to be outside of it. The only person he ever interacted with was his uncle Belos. Hunter stared at his gloved hands, an early 6th birthday gift from his mother. She gave him multiple pairs of Gloves for him to wear as he grew up. Hunter knew that it was for the better, the guilt for killing and ruining his parents relationship had followed him his entire life. He knew how much it hurt his uncle to see him, knowing he looked just like his father with his mother's eyes. He was a burden to everyone around him. So as he stared dully out the window a single tear fell down his face. He was a monster that needed to be locked away. As long as he remained locked away no one would have to worry about him hurting them like he had his own parents. Yet as he stared outside he imagined walking among them, talking to them and getting to know his people, going shopping, seeing old friends and making new ones. playing games that he never could before and laughing for the first time in years. Yet he knew it was nothing but a fantasy as a single tear traced down his face. 


808 words, still not sure if I want the Blight kids to be childhood friends or just know of each other. Anyway hope you enjoyed part 2! I'll be updating very frequently since I'm brimming with motivation and I decided I'll make the south park AU chapter once I'm finished with all of the frozen AU parts. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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