🎀💖Mine(Yandere Hunter)💖🎀

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I needed him, didn't he need me? I hid behind a wall as I watched him talking to the girl I knew was his twin sister. I watched as the two laughed at a joke he had made and felt my heart skip a beat at his laughter. It was so perfect. I imagined myself walking up to him and introducing myself... But I couldn't do that!! Uncle would kill me if I tried befriending or dating someone. I felt my face blush at the idea of dating Edric. But it faded soon. I watched as the two of them talked and enjoyed each other's company. How I wished I could have him. But as much as it hurts not having him it would hurt so much more if someone else had him. Something I couldn't allow to happen.

I slowly emerged from my hiding place, being careful they didn't see me and got to the errands uncle had sent me here to do. I was undercover so I wasn't wearing my uniform. After all The Golden Guard was too important to do something like buying groceries. No one would care if a teenager was buying groceries, that was normal. What I didn't tell uncle was that I practically lived for these chances to go here and be able to see him, I didn't even know his name... but he was all I could think about since we had met. Those perfect golden yellow eyes, green hair that looked so soft, and that perfect fair skin. My face started heating up and I shook my head. I had to focus! I went up to one of the stalls and bought the things my uncle needed me to get and did the same thing rinse and repeat to each of the stalls that had things uncle needed me to get. Soon I had everything and needed to go... but it couldn't hurt to get one more glance at him!

I turned to see if I could find him and when I did he was looking straight at me! The two of us stood there staring at each other for a moment and he turned around as I felt my face heat up. He was looking at me!! I closed my eyes and breathed in and out while still blushing like crazy. I sighed and walked to a place where I could easily take out Flapjack and fly away. But even as I flew to the castle my mind stayed on the green haired boy and how we met for the first time.


It was only a few months ago but it felt like forever since we had met. I had been getting groceries, and someone pushed me to the ground. When I looked up it was a bunch of high school students.

They were around the same age as me and one, the one who seemed to be the one in charge jeered, "Hey blondie~ don't you know how to look where you're going?" All of them laughed and I felt my face heat up with embarrassment.

"You pushed me!" I said angrily and tried to get up, but they pushed me down again, harder this time and my hands were bleeding from the rocks on the ground as I fell on my butt.

"Did you hear that? His voice is the most annoying thing I've ever heard!" The leader said and they all laughed. It all started to blur together, I got angry and tried to get up multiple times. But every time they would push me down and start kicking me and giving me no chance. Normally I would have easily taken care of them, but I had left Flapjack at home and my artificial staff was hidden. Not to mention I had no chance to try defending myself. I curled up in a ball as they kicked me. Suddenly they stopped and I opened my eyes slightly and saw him, the green haired boy yelled at the ones who had been kicking me.

"What is wrong with you!? Beating up someone defenseless!? You're all sick! Now scram!" And they did. I looked at him and the boy turned to me his look changing to concern. "Are you ok?" He asked and I nodded. He offered his hand to me and I took it. For a second I was going to thank him until I remembered what the mean boy had said. Did you hear that? His voice is the most annoying thing I've ever heard! Usually Kikimora was the only one who called my voice annoying, so I ignored her... but if other people thought my voice was annoying.....

me and the boy ended up walking away from each other without much other interaction, correction. I ran away as soon as the boy helped me up. I wasn't proud of it but I was afraid of getting hurt or him thinking my voice was annoying like everyone else seemed to. The boy tried calling after me but I ignored him as I ran.

Since then I had seen the green haired boy anytime I was going on errands and grew to want him so badly. Every time I could I would hide and watch him as he talked to others or did normal things. I went on errands once a month and that soon became the highlight of my life because I got to see him, I got to watch him talk to his sister, make jokes, and laugh. He was like a drug for me. I needed him so badly. The longer I couldn't at least see him the worse felt. It was easy to hide it, especially with my mask. But all I ever wanted anymore was to have him all to myself. He was so addicting.

Now I laid on my bed, I was so preoccupied thinking about him I didn't even remember how I got there. But all I could think about was when I would see him again, and maybe I would even talk to him! though I knew that was only a dream.

A few weeks later I was back, but as The Golden Guard this time. I had a mission that required a person in power, not a teenager no one would take a second glance at. I was to go to the Blight Manor and check on the progress on the abomatrons that were to be delivered to uncle. I knocked on the door to the factor and waited until the door was opened by who I recognized as Odalia Blight.

"Hello Odalia, I assume you know why I'm here." I said in a cocky voice.

"Of course Golden Guard! Come on in!" As we walked into the factory I felt my eyes widen as I saw them. The green haired boy and his sister were messing around and Odalia looked furious at them.

"Edric and Emira Blight! How many times have I told you to stay out of the factory!" I kept my eyes trained on him, his name was Edric? I could feel myself blushing as he turned to look at me and was grateful for my mask. He waved at me and flashed me a playful smile. 

"Hey Goldie. Just so you know I'm sorry you have to deal with miss bossypants!" Emira continued. "Yep she's a spoilsport!"

"Both of you get out now!" Odalia screamed at the two of them and they left giggling. I couldn't believe it. They were Blights!?

"I am so sorry about my children sir! They are wild half the time!" Odalia said it in a completely different voice then the scolding voice she used for the two of them.

"It's fine Odalia. As long as they haven't ruined the products." As I said this she rolled her eyes.

"Lets hope they haven't tried."

Soon I was preparing to leave. The abomatrons were on schedule to be ready by the time they needed to be picked up. But that wasn't what I was thinking about. My thoughts remained on Edric. It felt weird finally knowing his name, and now I couldn't get it out of my mind no matter how hard I tried. He was all I could think about as I got ready.

"Hey Goldie!" I stiffened and turned to Edric, I recognized his voice and turned while I waited for him to finish running up to me. I waited while he caught his breath. He was so close. To close. I could feel my face heating up, I hadn't been this close to him since he had defended me.

"What do you need?" I did my best to say it in a firm way, but I stared at him longingly.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked and I nodded.

"Do you know of anyone I can ask for advice? There's this boy I have a huge crush on and I hope that someone as important as you would know who I could talk to about it. I really like this boy but have no idea how to talk to him." I felt myself get angry, but didn't allow it to show.

"I can't say I do. Now if you don't mind I have important matters I need to attend to." I allowed myself to talk in a way that showed I was annoyed and got on my staff. Without taking another glance I flew back to the castle, and felt tears come to my eyes. I made a decision right then and there. I wouldn't allow whoever this boy was take Edric away from me. No matter what.


Soooooo, What do you think so far? I do want to say I don't see yandere's just as people who will murder whoever tried to take the person they love away from them. I actually see them more as people who will sabotage and threaten before turning to murder. So my yandere's aren't usually going to be murderers they are usually obsessive and willing to do anything to keep people away from the one they want. You'll see that kind of thing in the second part. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The Owl House Hunter/Golden Guard oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now