💔🎀Waiting Pt. 2🎀💔

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Part two of Waiting is here, I got a request to do it so here we go.

⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️
*Mentions of death
*Mentions of premeditated murder

I was sitting to the side holding my frog plush. After everyone woke up the scouts first brought us breakfast. Then when we were done eating, brought in toys, coloring books and crayons. All of the younger kids seemed to be playing or drawing. While the older kids helped the scouts keep things in order. I didn't join them though.

Like they said yesterday they would take different kid(s) out and bring them back after a while. The max seemed to be 4. When they brought back whoever they took, they would then take someone else.
It continued this way. I didn't get it back then, now I fully understand.

I was still sitting when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw one of the scouts.

"Come on it's your turn." They told me. So I stood up and walked next to them as they lead me to a separate room.

Once we entered they had me sit on one side of a table while they sat on the other with a paper and pen.

"So what's your name?" They asked looking at me.

"H-Hunter." I mumbled into my plush. I hated being the center of attention.

"Please stop mumbling into the toy and tell me your name."

"Hunter." I said softly, squeezing my plush. I was nervous and scared and just wanted it to be over.

He wrote something down after I said my name.

"Alright Hunter, what's you last name?"

I looked at blankly them as they sighed.

"Did your parents ever have other grown-ups around?"

I nodded.

"When they did, did the other grown-ups ever call either of your parents something with a Mr. Or Mrs. In front of it?"

I thought for a second.

"Th-they called m-my daddy Mr. W-Witteb-bane." I told them nervously.

They wrote on there paper again.

"Alright last question, do you know of any family other than you parents? Did they ever mention Aunt's, Uncle's, grandparents, things like that?"

"I-I have an U-Uncle. B-but mommy and daddy said I n-needed to stay away from him."

He quickly wrote down on his paper again before standing up.

"Alright let's get you back to the room ok?" I nodded and followed him back to the room where I went back to sitting down where I was before.

Outside POV:
A woman walked through the halls. She obviously had a purpose there, as all of the scouts she came across bowed and did as she said. Soon she came to an office and the Scout in front of it immediately opened the door for her. As she walked in what looked to be a higher rank scout looked over at her.

"Head witch Lilith! We've been expecting you." The scout told her.

"You have the sheets." It wasn't a question.

"Yep, the first and last names of every child from the building we took. The nephew of the Emperor should be in there somewhere."

"Your work is appreciated. Does anyone suspect?"

"No. We told everyone it was an attack from wild witches. When really we were getting rid of the people who helped hide the Emperor's nephew from us."

Their was a glimpse of guilt in the woman's eyes, something only someone who knew her well would see or understand.

"Did you put the single children and siblings on separate sheets?"

"Yes. I'm guessing you want the single children?"

"Of course. The Emperor informed me of what his last name would be, so please hand them over." She held out her hand expecting the sheets.

The scout complied and handed them over, to which she looked them over silently. Eventually she pointed to a name, "Get me this child." She demanded.

Hunter Wittebane.

Hunters POV:
I felt someone shaking me and woke up. After lunch the scouts had taken everyone 7 and younger to a separate room for naptime. A scout held a finger to his mouth and motioned for me to follow him. I clung to my plush as we exited the room.

I didn't know why they needed me again. Though, I had noticed that the children were starting to be taken out and not come back to the room. Was that what was going to happen with me?

Soon we came up to a woman, she had green eyes, blue hair, pale skin, and was wearing a gray dress. I was nervous as she looked over at us. A smile came into her face when she saw me.

"Hello there Hunter, my name is Lilith. I'm here to take you to your uncle." She said in a soft voice. I flinched.

"B-but mommy and daddy said to stay away from him." I whispered still clinging onto my plush.

"Everything will be explained when we get there, lets go now." She said it in an inviting voice, offering her hand.

I took it, even though I was scared she was nice. I felt like I could trust her. Now I wish I never took her hand.

The two of us walked over to a carriage, where after we entered she closed the door it started moving. It was quiet, I was scared and squeezed my plush while Lilith was busy doing other things.

Eventually we came up to the castle, and I couldn't help but look at it in wonder. It was so pretty. Mommy and daddy never let me see the castle before. I grew to despise them for it, now I'm grateful.

We left the carriage and Lilith took my hand again as we walked to the castle. While we were in there it was filled with scouts. I squeezed my plush harder. Eventually we came up to a large door. Lilith knocked on it and the doors opened, I gasped as we walked in. I hadn't realized it at the time, but it was the throne room.

When we entered a tall man was facing away from us. There was what looked like horns coming from his face, and his entire body was covered. He looked over at us when we came closer and I squeaked. His face was covered by a mask, which was were the horns came from.

"I have him." Lilith simply stated. I shrunk as he put his focus on me, I felt scared of this man.

"Please wait outside to escort him to his room Lilith, I would like to spend some time alone with him." He said in a cold voice, it made me shiver and feel even more scared.

She let go of my hand and left, leaving me alone with him. I felt even more scared now, squeezing harder on my plush.

He walked towards me and I flinched, something he seemed to notice. He knelt down and looked at me.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked in soft voice, but it also seemed as if he was demanding an answer.

"N-no." I mumbled into my plush. His mask made me more nervous and scared. And he seemed to notice this.

He removed his mask and I gasped softly. He looked like my daddy, but didn't at the same time. He had the same eyes and his hair color was the same. But he had a weird green scar on his face.

He gave me a gentle smile, but his eyes didn't have any kindness.

"I'm your uncle, and don't worry. I'll never let anyone keep you away from me again."

1281 words, I'm impressed! I hope you enjoyed part two of Waiting! Byeeeeeeeeeeee

I forgot to add the trigger warning so I did that.

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