🎀💖Mine pt.2(Yandere Hunter)💖🎀

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"Hey Goldie!" I ran after The Golden Guard as he was about to leave and watched as he stiffened at my voice. He probably wasn't expecting me to run after him. I took a moment to catch my breath, I could feel him staring down at me. No doubt he was wondering why I had run after him.

"What do you need?" He asked firmly as I looked at him. He was staring me down. I wish he didn't have that mask so I had some idea what was going through his mind. 

"Can I ask you something?" I asked. I knew it was a long shot, I was getting desperate though.

"Do you know of anyone I can ask for advice? There's this boy I have a huge crush on and I hope that someone as important as you would know who I could talk to about it. I really like this boy but have no idea how to talk to him." I hoped so badly that he could help me. I thought about that adorable blond, every time I tried to get my courage up to talk to him I chickened out. It didn't help that he only came to town once a month if I was lucky. I felt my spirits sink as The Golden Guard answered.

"I can't say I do. Now if you don't mind I have important matters I need to attend to." He spoke in an annoyed voice and I felt myself shrink as he flew away, not looking back. I sighed and walked back to the house. I felt so stupid. Why did I allow myself to think that The Golden Guard would help me? He probably thought I was some kind of freak or something like that. Another addition to my failures to find a way to talk to blondie. I walked inside straight to my room and saw Em waiting for me.

"How did it go?" She asked and I laid on my bed.

"I made him annoyed at best and furious at worst." I said annoyed with myself.

"Well we knew it was a long shot from the beginning. I still don't get why you don't just walk up to him and interduce yourself. That's the best way to start."

"Are you forgetting about our only interaction Emira? When I tried asking him for his name he ran as far away from me as possible!"

"I stand by my thought that he was probably still nervous from those brats. I'm sure if you actually talked to him he would happily talk to you. I bet he wants to thank you for helping him with those idiots as well!"

"You know what happens to me whenever I try to talk to him. He's so damn cute I don't know what to do with myself!"

"Well if you don't I'm sure someone else will get him. You're right about him being attractive. He won't stay single forever Edric, think about that." Emira walked away after finishing, leaving Edric alone with his thoughts.


Edric walked through town, it had been a few months since the incident with the Golden Guard. Edric was too amazed and horrified by the pranks, embarrassments and video leeks that had been plaguing Hexside recently to think about it though. Someone was setting up things that had been destroying the reputations of anyone who fell victim. Edric shuddered from when an audio was leeked about one of his closest friends, who had said something that heavily implied he supported child abuse if someone was poor. Edric stopped talking to that horrible person afterwards, not bothering with an explanation when it was so obvious. Whoever this prankster was they seemed determined to absolutely ruin any of their victims, and most weren't nearly as deserving as Edric's former friend. They were always successful with the embarrassment and continuously ruined the reputations of kids all over the school. There was no telling who would be next. Edric was always terrified that him or his family and close friends would be the next to hit the gutter.

Edrics thoughts also were filled with the blond boy he hadn't seen the entire time the pranks were going on. He hadn't shown up once and it worried him. Edric had a theory that the blondie had heard about the pranks, and afraid they would be a victim, went as far away from this place as possible. It made Edric angry at whoever was doing this even more so than before. They had most likely scared away the boy he loved. Edric sighed as he roamed through town, he had done this recently to hopefully prove his theory wrong and see the blondie he had fallen for again, so he could tell him how much he loved him. He hated the pranksters timing as well. He was finally getting the courage to admit his feelings to blondie and this prankster most likely ruined his chance.  

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