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In this Hunter was ordered by emperor jerkface(I mean Belos) to keep an eye on the Blights. Hunter ended up teaming up with Edric. He visits once a week for a 'status report'. Basically Edric 'spy's' on his parents and siblings and reports his findings(Edric just uses it as an excuse to hang out with Hunter).

Ships(other than Goldric)
*Emira x Viney

As I flew to the window of Edric Blight I straightened my mask and reminded myself why I was doing this. It was NOT because I enjoyed Edric's company. It was NOT because I felt safe around him. And it was DEFINITELY NOT because I had grown to have a crush on him. This was solely for business reasons.

I knocked on his window and entered when he opened it. Once I landed Flapjack turned back to normal and settled on my head. I looked over and saw a certain smirking Blight.

"I see you've finally come. I was beginning to worry you wouldn't show." He said in a playful voice.

I scoffed. "What's your report." I said in a matter of factly voice.

"Well let's see, my sisters had a double date with there girlfriends, and didn't let me come cause I'm still single. My mom is just as annoying as ever. My dad has been in his workshop and I can't get in cause the doors are still locked. And I've been hanging out with a couple of my friends to make up for my loneliness." He told me proudly sitting on his bed.

I nodded, technically I should leave now that his report is over.

"What's new with you?" He patted the spot next to him as he asked me this. I walked over and sat next to him.

"Well I did perfectly on my missions this week so I had free time for once. I finally finished the book I've been reading the last week and a half." Telling him this was just a way of keeping him cooperative! I didn't actually want to! And my face 100% didn't heat up when he got excited.

"Great! On a scale of 1-10 how bad was this Wild Witch writer?"

"Definitely a 7 or 8, I almost threw the book across the room when they called Emperor Belos a dictator!"

"Not as bad as the one you finished before our second meeting?"

"Not by a long shot, but still horrible."

Before I knew it an hour had passed of us just talking to each other and enjoying each other's company. Wait NO- I was just chatting him up! Being friendly with him was another way of keeping him cooperative. I didn't actually enjoy having someone to talk to. Especially not a cute boy who DEFINITELY didn't have any interest in me. Despite how he shamelessly flirted with me while we talked.

"I should be taking my leave." I told him standing up. I didn't want to- WAIT YES I DID! I absolutely wanted to leave and get back to the castle.

"Wait can't you stay a little longer? I'm enjoying being able to stay in the presence of the amazing Golden Guard." He told me with a cute smile on his face. NOT CUTE, ANNOYING! Despite this I felt a blush grow on my face, felling very relieved that my uniform hide my face completely.

I sat back down. We continued talking for a while. It wasn't because I liked being around him, or how his eyes looked like melted gold, or the fact that I couldn't help but laugh at his jokes, or the fact I wanted to take off my mask and- STOP! I have no reason for staying but to gain more information, yah that was it!

By the time I left my face was a red as a tomato, he had kissed my mask right where my lips were before I left. As much as I lied to myself about it, I really did have a crush on Edric Blight.

675 words. not as much as I hoped there would be, but I'll take what I can get. Hope you enjoyed. Byeeeeeeeeeee

The Owl House Hunter/Golden Guard oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora