🎀Wolfwalker pt.2🎀

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4 people walked through the night. the two in the lead where what seemed to be a set of twins, one girl one boy, both had green hair, golden yellow eyes, pale skin and freckles on their faces. They seemed to be around 16. Both were wearing hunter robes and had crossbows pointed in front of them. Behind them were two girls, one looked as if she was a younger sister to the twins. Her hair was dyed purple, but other than that she looked like her siblings down to the crossbow and hunter robes. Finally their was a girl with darker skin, brown hair, and hazel eyes. She was wearing a simple dress and sighed. The two girls seemed to be 14.

"You're going to seem threatening with those crossbows!" She told the three siblings.

"Well we have to have something to protect ourselves if your plan doesn't work Luz!" The girl twin told her.

"Don't be so rude to my girlfriend Emira!" The youngest of the siblings told the girl twin angerly.

"Well she's right, Luz said it herself Amity. They most likely won't recognized her scent. She's been living in the town for 4 years. Plus she lost her abilities as a wolfwalker when Emperor Belos did that weird thing, what did you say it was Luz?" The boy twin looked at the girl with dark skin as he finished.

"He clung to my shoulders and whispered something I couldn't hear. After that I felt myself losing my abilities. by the time I'd been held captive for a year they were all gone. My ability to become a wolf in my sleep was the first to go." Luz said with tears in her eyes.

"Hey it's ok Luz, we'll find your brother and he can return your memories!" Amity said touching Luz's shoulder and looking at the boy twin. "What are you getting at Edric?" She asked.

"I'm saying Emira is right about plan B. Especially because the wolves have been getting more and more violent these last few weeks. Have you see what they've done to people who've entered the forest recently? I still have nightmares from how bloody the bodies were." All 4 of them shuddered.

"Which is why it's so important for me to find Hunter! There are only 2 options. Either the wolves are attacking on their own out of frustration, or the more likely option is that Hunter is behind it! He's angry, and I'm the only person who can convince him to stop! Or at least come up with a better plan to deal with this problem." Luz finished softly with a sigh.

"Would he even recognize you Luz? Not trying to be a spoilsport but if the wolves don't recognize your sent our only hope is Hunter recognizing you before they decide to attack. Or else we will have to go to plan B Luz." Emira stated, leaving a cold air. Most likely 'plan B' was to try to escape by attacking and running as far away as possible.

"Well-" Luz cut herself off when the wolves revealed themselves. They had completely surrounded the children and all three backed up against each other and the twins started raising their crossbows.

"Don't!" Luz practically screamed and they slowly lowered their crossbows, Luz breathed in and out and slowly walked towards the wolves. "Hey you recognize me?" Luz tried asking a wolf and it growled barking at her and causing her to fall over and scooted away as fast as she could.

"Well that answers that question." Emira stated angerly, still keeping her crossbow down as the wolves started closing in on them. But the wolves stopped when a clear howl filled the air and their eyes all turned yellow. a new wolf emerged, bigger than all the rest with blond fur, a scar on it's cheek and unique magenta eyes. It growled at the 4 children as it slowly walked towards them.

"What is that thing!?" Edric explained in fear.

"Hunter." Luz said softly and slowly walked towards the large wolf. "Hey Hunter, you recognize me... don't you?" The wolf growled as Luz walked towards it... then when they made eye contact the wolf howled and in a split second Luz was grabbed by a wolf and thrown on it's back. In another the wolves started running away, leaving the siblings all alone as the wolves ran away with Luz.


The wolves emerged in the paradise and Luz was dropped on the ground outside of the cave and surrounded by the wolves while the blond wolf walked into the cave alone. Luz looked around nervously as all of the wolves watched her intensely. Then the boy emerged from the cave. the boy who had the same blond hair, magenta eyes, and scar the wolf had had and the wolves parted as he walked up to the girl. For a second the two stared at each other, and then the boy's eyes filled with tears.

"It-it's really you." The boy said softly with tears in his eyes. He then tackled Luz into a hug crying. Luz hugged back almost immediately and the two cried and clung to each other. It was as if it was a family reunion between two family members who truly loved and missed each other despite looking nothing alike.

"What happened to you!?" The boy demanded staring at the girl with his magenta eyes still filled with tears. "I thought you were dead!"

"I'm sorry Hunter...." She whispered softly and looked at him. "When I went missing I was taken to the town against my will. Their I was taken to the ruler... Emperor Belos. He... he did something to me that took away my abilities... he made me just a human." Hunter looked horrified and she finished.

"Is that why I can't recognize your scent anymore? Why you are dressed like this!" He motioned to her faded dress and she nodded.

"I tried to escape multiple times Hunter, but I barely know the town I was forced to live in. I was kept in this horrible place where I was forced to clean until I thought my arms would fall off, I was never allowed to leave. Anytime I escaped I was always caught... until Amity and her siblings helped me!" Luz looked at her brother with a smile.

"Are they the people who you were here with?" When Luz nodded Hunter looked at the wolves and about half of them left.

"They'll bring your friends here." He spoke blankly. "We need to catch up on the last 4 years in the meantime sis, but first... do you want me to turn you back to a wolfwalker?" When Luz nodded Hunter hesitated for a moment before biting Luz's hand. She winced a bit at the pain, but Hunter made sure it wasn't hard enough to bleed.

The two walked into the cave, two siblings finally reunited after years apart.


1154 words, Only 2 more part 2's left to go, they'll be out tomorrow and the day after.

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