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The young Prince sat quietly in his room. He looked no older than 10. The room he sat in was completely frozen. Like a frozen wonderland. His magenta eyes stared at the ground as his gloved hands rested on his legs as he stood up. The scar on his cheek a glaring reminder of why he was hidden away. He sniffled silently and looked up as he heard the door unlocking and his uncle, who was also the king, came into the room. His uncles long blond hair had a single white strand and his uncle had a greenish blue scar like thing across his face.

"Uncle!" The Prince ran up to him and hugged him. 

"Hello Hunter." The king touched Hunter's face making him look at him. "How are you my young prince?"

"I'm....I'm ok!"

"Oh Hunter, you know I don't like it when you lie. Tell me what's wrong." The king looked down at his young Prince who avoided looking into his eyes.

"I- How long am I going to be kept in here Uncle...? I- I hate being alone......" Hunter sniffled as he avoided looking at the man in front of him who sighed softly.

"Oh Hunter, we've talked about this. You can't ever leave. You are to powerful and unstable. Or did you forget what happened to your parents because you couldn't control yourself?" Hunter looked down in shame as tears started falling down his face.

"I-I remember." Hunter gripped his shirt with his gloved hands as a couple of tears fell down his face.

"Then you understand why you can't come out don't you?"


"Good." The king touched Hunter's face making the young prince look at him. "I just want to keep you and everyone else safe, you know that right? Until you can control your powers you can't leave. You know how much I love you right Hunter?"

"I-I know Uncle."

"And you know I only want the best for you right Hunter?"

"I-I know Uncle."

"Come here Hunter." The king opened his arms and the boy collapsed into then sobbing as he clung to the man who raised him. The king gently stroking his hair as he sobbed.

"I'm always protect you baby, if you let me."


361 words I'm not gonna lie a South Park Creek Frozen AU inspired this while I was looking up Style stuff a few seconds before I wrote this. Honestly. I wrote this in all in one sitting while listening to The 'Afton Family song remix' on a one hour loop at 10% volume in the back round to get my creative juices running. Sue me. This took about 18 minutes write. I actually want to write a mini series about this AU. If enough people want it I'll do it because this is one of the only things I don't have writers block for. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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